93-Year-Old Woman Who Waves At School Bus Every Morning Gets A Sweet Birthday Surprise

Bonnie Linder from Hartley, Iowa, gets up early and waits for the school bus to give the kids and driver a big wave everyday.


On Sunday, she celebrated her 93rd birthday and so the bus driver and the kids on board planned a big surprise for her.

As she stood waiting for the bus on her birthday, the bus pulled up in front of her house and all the kids and the bus driver could be heard wishing her a ‘Happy Birthday’ from the bus.

Watch: Kids and School Bus Driver Gives Special Birthday Surprise To Grandma Who Waves At Them Every Day

Bonnie’s daughter Judy Zimmerman wrote on Facebook, “My mother will be 93 on Sunday and it warms my heart to see this simple, yet POWERFUL Act of Kindness!”

“As I visit from Texas, know that there is and always will be a sense of LOVE for the small communities in Iowa where GOOD still exists and JOY is found!”


This simple act of kindness from the school children and the bus driver must have warmed Bonnie’s heart and made her feel so happy on her birthday. God bless her.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9