Grandma Spend First Christmas Without Her Husband, Gets Touching Surprise From Her Family

Christmas is a time of happiness and cheer for families but can also be a time of extreme loneliness and sadness for those who have recently lost their loved ones.

A grandma was spending her first Christmas without her husband of 59 years after he passed away seven months ago.


But her family managed to cheer her up when they showed her the letters they had written to each other back in college as he had kept them all.

Her granddaughter posted a video on social media saying, “My grandpa passed 7 months ago so this is my grandma’s 1st Xmas w/o him in 59 years. For Christmas we decided to gift her w/ letters we found her & my grandpa wrote to each other in 1962 while they were in college. He kept them all these years”


The video has since gone viral and has been viewed 15 million times till now.

Watch: Family surprises grandma with her late husband’s love letters

“I just wanna say thank you to everyone who has been wishing my grandmother well and sharing kind words,” the granddaughter wrote in an update. “She is doing great and has been saying over and over again that it’s the best gift she could’ve asked for.”


The grandmother must have felt so much better after reading all the letters written to her by her late husband during their courtship days, what a beautiful way of spreading some Christmas cheer by her family.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15