Good Samaritan Aussie Woman Gives A Drink of Water To Thirsty Koala On A Hot Day

Thirsty koala 🐨 ORIGINAL VIDEO 📹 C'Lowrie's Photography
for licensing and usage contact 🙂

Posted by Chantelle Lowrie on Friday, December 28, 2018

A video of an exchange between a lady from Australia and a Koala bear is winning the hearts of thousands of social media users who are appreciating the lady for her compassion shown towards the animal.

Chantell Lowrie stays at the campground in Southern Victoria when she spotted a thirsty Koala at the side of the road, in the Australian heat, she immediately offered it a drink of water.

It was a blistering 111Âș Fahrenheit (44Âș Celsius) which was too much for the marsupial and Lowrie said, “My first thought was that the poor little fella needs a drink,” she then approached it as it was climbing a tree and and held out her water bottle to it. As soon as it saw the water, it stopped and took a 25-second heat-break as Lowrie poured the water into its mouth.

We appreciate this sweet gesture by this kind and compassionate woman and pray that more people are like her in this world.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4