Praying Woman Sees First Snow in Texas and Knows Her Husband Is Healed

God answered a Texas family’s prayers through two extraordinary miracles – a complete healing of a failing heart and the first-ever Christmas snowfall in McAllen’s history.

godwinks story toni and david

God works in amazing ways to remind us that miracles still happen right here in our time. When we put our complete trust and hope in Him during our darkest times, He shows us His unfailing love through signs and wonders that we never thought possible.

Fifteen years ago, David Espinoza and his wife Toni faced a frightening situation at the DeBakey Heart Institute in Houston. Doctors told them David’s heart was working at just 10% of its normal function.

Without a heart transplant, he would die. The wait for a donor heart could take nine months or more – time that David might not have left.

Toni turned to their community for help, asking their church, family, and friends to pray for a donor heart. But as she prayed, something didn’t feel right in her spirit.

The thought that someone would need to die for her husband to live through a transplant started to trouble her deeply. This led her to change what she was asking God to do.

Instead of praying for a donor heart, Toni began to ask God to heal David’s heart completely. She also asked for a special sign that God would answer her prayer – snow in McAllen, Texas, on Christmas Day.

When she told her childhood friend Crawford about this request, her friend reminded her that McAllen, just nine miles from the Mexican border, hadn’t seen snow in 109 years.

The winter temperature there usually stays around 75 degrees. But Toni’s faith didn’t waver. She told her friend with confidence, “I know God is going to answer my prayers.”

At 11:45 p.m. on Christmas Eve, God started to show His answer. One of the Espinoza daughters looked outside and saw something incredible – snow falling in their backyard.

Toni ran outside without a coat and saw snow covering her rose bushes that were still in full bloom. As snowflakes fell on her dark hair, she looked up at the sky and kept whispering, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

prayer answered toni espinoza

The National Weather Service measured 3.5 inches of snow that day – marking the first White Christmas in McAllen since they started keeping weather records more than 150 years ago.

Children all over McAllen played in snow for the first time, making snow angels and snowmen. The local newspaper captured the excitement with its headline: “First White Christmas Ever!”

But God had an even bigger miracle planned. Three weeks later, when David went to his doctor’s appointment, the doctor looked at his test results in amazement. “David, I don’t understand how this happened,” the doctor said, “but you’re going to live for a long, long time… Your heart is completely healed.”

David and Toni held each other and cried, thanking God for this incredible answer to their prayers.

Now, almost ten years after that snowy Christmas miracle, David remains in good health.

Our God still performs miracles today, answering prayers in ways that doctors can’t explain and that go against nature itself. The Espinozas’ story shows us that when we trust God completely and pray according to His will, nothing stands in His way.

If you’re going through a hard time – whether it’s a health crisis or any other problem that seems impossible to solve – remember this story.

God can take what looks impossible to us and turn it into a miracle that shows everyone His power and love.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11