God Uses Christian, Muslim, & Jew To Save Young Boy With Facial Tumor

The story in the Bible where Jesus heals a royal official’s son by just sending His word and even without physically going there just because of the father’s faith in Jesus proves that nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1″37 says, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

He can do all things and through anyone, just like in the healing of this little boy with a facial tumor threatening his life. God used a Christian, a Jewish doctor, and a Muslim family to save his life.

The little boy’s name is John Olivier, also called “Little John,” who is only 9 years old and he is from Haiti, he has suffered for years from a facial tumor which has been growing and growing till it disturbed the alignment of his teeth and also his speech.

His parents were told by a surgeon that if not removed, the tumor would suffocate the boy in a year and a half. His father, Jean Luckner Olivier, was desperate and spent all of his money since 2013 on medical needs for Little John, but sadly, none of it worked.

With quality medical treatment being poor in Haiti, Little John’s family couldn’t do anything but pray and ask God to help them in this situation.

Jean said, “Without God, we couldn’t really do it,” because unknown to them, God had already started working out a way for them.

Barclay Stuart lives in Colorado and attends Calvary Chapel Brighton, he is a Christian missionary, and has been on two separate trips to Haiti where he met with Little John during both trips. He was moved by his plight and really wanted to help the boy with a facial tumor with the help of God.

Barclay said, “I told God that I obviously can’t do this on my own and that if He helped Little John, that I would humbly serve and do whatever He asked of me.” As Barclay was at the Port-au-Prince airport, he met with a tall man in the cafeteria who apparently was visiting Haiti with a medical humanitarian group called Medical Aid to Haiti.

Barclay told him, “We have a boy that needs a miracle!” The tall man immediately replied: “Well, we do miracles!” He then introduced Barclay to Stuart Lieblich, also called “Dr. Stu,” who was an oral surgeon from Connecticut, there were other members who worked with Dr. Stu in Connecticut also present there.

Barclay then gave the team details on Little John’s condition and showed them pictures of the poor boy, the group immediately decided to perform a life-saving surgery on Little John, free of charge! But there was a problem- Little John needed to come to America for the procedure.

Dr Stu said, “This was a situation that could not be treated in Haiti.”

Barclay turned to Calvary Chapel Brighton for help, the Colorado based mission group raised $10,000 to bring Little John and his dad to the United States. But now, they needed an accommodation for Little John and Jean and the  Colorado missionaries in Connecticut. They would would be in Connecticut for 12 days after which they would fly back to Colorado, to allow time for the surgery and recovery.

It was a miracle by the hand of God when a Muslim family from Albania who now lives in Connecticut made an offer to put up the Christians for the whole time. Barclay said, “The Adviaj family embraced us and endured the chaotic intrusion without the slightest hint of inconvenience to them though we knew better.” He added, “They cared for Little John as if he was their own. They lost a 12-year-old son Yuri in 2012 and their pain is still palpable…I love this family!”

It was the hand of God that brought people from a Muslim, Jewish and Christian background, together to help perform a healing miracle for this little boy with a facial tumor.

Watch the miraculous story below.

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Dr. Stu and his team removed two-thirds of Little John’s lower jaw, they used bone from his hip to reconstruct his jaw to a normal contour and once Little John would be a little older, they would add dental implants.

Jean Luckner Olivier, feels blessed to see his son freed from the oppressive tumor and says, “(Little John) feels he is going to have a better life in the future. He wasn’t worried because he knows there is nothing that God cannot do.”


Pastor Paul Boutan of Calvary Chapel says that they were all doing the will of God, “God’s the one who kind of put the whole thing together,” the pastor said, “we just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

This is one of the most remarkable stories of miracle healing performed under the direction of God, all the pieces fell into place in a supernatural way. What a great God we serve. Hallelujah!

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15