The Girl Without a Face Defies Internet Bullies And Becomes an Inspiration


Thom and Tami Wetmore were expecting a normal and healthy baby girl. But they were also worried about the abnormalities found by the doctors four months before the due date. After a complicated delivery, Tami demanded to see her baby. Her husband took a photo of their baby girl and showed her. But the mom became speechless seeing their infant’s face.


Born with a challenge

Juliana Wetmore was born missing almost half of her facial bones. She has Treacher Collins Syndrome, a genetic condition that affects the development of bones and tissues in the face. It also leads to breathing, hearing and eating problems. Juliana’s condition was recorded as the most severe in medical history. The night Juliana was born, doctors believed she wouldn’t survive because of serious breathing problems. Since then, Juliana has been proving that she is a fighter. She needed immediate surgery to open an airway to breathe and to uncover her left eye. As Julia has no ears, she was fitted with a bone conduction hearing aid. Also, she has to be fed through a feeding tube due to her deformed mouth.


Defying Internet Bullies

Despite her appearance, this beautiful parents realized that their baby daughter was born different for a reason. But not everyone had the heart to accept her beauty. Her photos shared over the internet and the family faced cruel bullying. But the hope about their baby girl held the family up. They believed Juliana has a special purpose in this world to teach people not to define someone by their appearance.


She is unstoppable!

After her story went viral entitled “the girl without a face”, many kind hearted strangers sent their love and support to the family. Juliana’s story inspired many parents to teach their children that true beauty is not defined by looks.
Juliana is now 13-years-old, she has already undergone 45 surgeries and will still need more. She has mastered sign language and attends school for deaf children. She’s a very smart and artistic child who always gives positive energy to her family and friends.


Redefines Beauty

Juliana has a very special sister Danica. Danica was adopted from an Ukrainian orphanage by Juliana’s parents. Since then, Juliana and Danica shares a single bond and it’s stronger than anything in this world. The family also adopted three more siblings in need of a home. This beautiful story reminds us to stop judging someone by their appearance.

Verse of the Day

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Proverbs 27:1