7-Year-Old Girl Saves Mother’s Life With CPR She Learned From YouTube Videos

Nowadays kids love to binge watch videos on just about everything which makes parents feel anxious about them, but one mother from England is happy that her daughter watched a video on CPR and used it to save her life.


7-year-old British girl, Jessica Kinder loves watching YouTube videos and one November morning when she was not feeling well at home, her mom put on the holiday movie “The Grinch” and made her a cup of tea and suddenly collapsed and started having a seizure.

The girl acted quickly by calling emergency officials and giving CPR to her mother, Becky Green, 32, who said she was shocked to see paramedics at her place and little Jessica hysterical.

She was taken to hospital and later diagnosed with epilepsy. “When I realized what had happened I asked her, ‘How did you know what to do?’ She said to me, ‘I saw someone do it on YouTube.’ I couldn’t believe it,” added Green of Jessica, who now aspires to become a nurse or a doctor one day.


Becky said that her daughter likes watching videos but she had no idea that she had watched a video about CPR. “My little girl straddled me to do CPR because she thought I was dying. She knew she had to put all her weight on me from YouTube videos.”

She added: “If she hadn’t known what to do and acted so quickly, who knows what might have happened?” She also said that she was planning something “extra special” for her daughter this Christmas as a “big thank you.”

“I’m so proud of her — I can’t believe how heroically she acted,” she said. “It must have been so stressful for her to see that but she stepped up and tried to save me. For a 7-year-old to do that is incredible. She’s my hero.”

Jessica Kinder is a true hero who saved the life of her mother using CPR, which should be compulsorily be taught to young people at school and college.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9