Sad Shelter Dog Finally Gets Adopted After Waiting 7 Years For A Home

A shelter dog finally found her forever home after spending 7 years waiting to be adopted. This was possible after a photo of the Labrador retriever mix named Ginger, was shared online on social media to get the people’s attention.


One photo of Ginger shows her sitting in her kennel at the Dogwood Animal Shelter in Osage Beach, Missouri, with a sign clipped to the dog’s kennel saying, “Hi! I’m Ginger! I’ve been here waiting 7 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, 2 days. I’m a good girl! I promise! I just need a 2nd chance.”

This photo was shared on Facebook, and the post was shared more than 32,000 times by users. People from all over were voicing their support for Ginger and asking for her to get adopted.

It was even featured on an Instagram account launched by Ellen DeGeneres to publicize adoptable dogs called PawsUp and because of all these efforts, Ginger received adoption applications from all over the country.

The Dogwood Animal Shelter shared that Ginger was finally adopted by someone who is the perfect fit for her and also shared a photo on their Facebook page of her sitting outside of the shelter next to her new owner.

“We’re very grateful to those who cheered us on and kept the faith that Ginger would finally have the loving, comfy home she deserves!” wrote the shelter. Ginger must be so happy and over the moon to finally be able to have her forever home.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9