Garbage Truck Driver’s Kind Gesture Brings Woman Battling Parkinson’s to Tears

A garbage truck driver’s kind act meant everything to a woman with Parkinson’s disease.

garbage truck driver act of kindness

Liz Marshall, known as “The Butterfly Lady,” has had Parkinson’s disease for 30 years. Despite her illness, Liz found a special way to spread joy. She makes butterfly decorations and gives them to people she meets, hoping to make them smile.

“It brings me so much joy to lay them in someone’s hands and see them smile. It makes my day,” Liz said. Making butterflies also helped Liz. Ten years ago, Parkinson’s made it hard for her to use her hands. But working with paper to create butterflies helped her regain some control.

“I could not dress myself, could not feed myself, and I started to work with paper, and slowly my hands became stronger,” Liz explained. “I feel so blessed that these little pieces of paper have given me my hands back.” This unexpected benefit has allowed Liz to keep spreading joy for six years.

As her illness got worse, Liz lost the ability to walk. She now uses a scooter to get around. That’s when a small act of kindness made a huge impact on her.

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Liz Marshall, Photo:

Terrance Davis, a Waste Management driver, saw Liz on her porch during his route. Without being asked, Terrance went above his job duties. He carried Liz’s trash cans back up her driveway and asked where she wanted them.

For Liz, this thoughtful act meant more than just help with her trash. It showed her that people still noticed and cared about her. “When you’re disabled, a lot of times you become invisible,” Liz said. “Even though you had a lot going on — you were dodging trash cans, and kids, and cars, you made an effort to stop, and that meant the world to me.”

Touched by Terrance’s kindness, Liz nominated him for a Pay It 4Ward award. This program rewards people for their kind acts. “It’s the little things in life that really matter,” Liz told News 4, explaining why she nominated Terrance.

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Terrance Davis, Photo:

On the day of the surprise, Liz waited excitedly with people from News 4 and First Fidelity Bank. Marissa Mindieta from the bank gave Liz $400 to give to Terrance as part of the award.

When Terrance arrived to collect Liz’s trash, he was surprised to see a group waiting for him. Liz explained why they were there and presented him with the award. “On behalf of First Fidelity, I’d like to present you with $400,” Liz said. “For your kindness. You moved me to tears. I hope this blesses your hands.”

Terrance was clearly touched. “Oh, my goodness!” he said. “It does, it really does. I appreciate that a whole lot.” His humble response showed that he helped Liz out of genuine kindness, not for recognition.

Terrance’s good deed had an even bigger impact. Waste Management, his employer, also gave him a financial gift for his kindness.

True to her nickname, Liz gave Terrance some of her butterfly creations.

Liz beautifully summed up her feelings: “And my gift came that morning in the presence of a green trash truck with an angel on board.” Her words show how small acts of kindness can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences of God’s grace.

As Terrance hugged Liz goodbye, you could see how much they appreciated each other. “It was a blessing to meet you, Liz,” Terrance said warmly. Liz thanked him again, saying, “Thank you for your kindness. It is the little things that matter the most.”

Let’s learn from Liz and Terrance’s story. We can open our eyes to the needs of those around us. Whether it’s helping with a chore, offering a smile, or noticing someone who feels unseen, our small acts of kindness can answer someone’s prayers. We’re called to be Christ’s hands and feet in our communities. We can spread His love through our actions. When we serve others, we serve our Lord.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11