Football Coach Sends Athletes to Shovel Driveways for the Elderly and Disabled—For Free

These athletes put their strength to great use when they helped shovel heaps of snow in the driveways of the elderly and people with disability one snow-laden Monday morning.


Winter storms were headed toward Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. That was why High School head football coach Brian DeLallo decided to cancel his team’s weight lifting workout.

He posted on Twitter: “Due to expected severe weather, Monday’s weightlifting workout has been canceled. Find an elderly or disabled neighbor and shovel their driveway. Don’t accept any money–that’s our Monday workout.”

High School football players David Shelpman, 16, and Aidan Campbell, 17, were just two of the 40 athletes who shoveled snow on their neighbors’ driveways.

Aidan shoveled four driveways with David. David shoveled another two driveways and shoveled for seven hours. Aidan on the other hand shoveled for five hours, he told Fox News Digital.

David also helped his mom volunteer at a spaghetti dinner for homeless veterans. He said, “I definitely always do feel good about being able to help others out.” He also added that helping others “makes me feel like a part of something bigger than myself.”

This community service project was a tradition that was long established even before Coach Brian led the team. “Jeff always had our kids do this,” he told Fox News Digital.

“Any time we had a snow day and school was canceled, he had the kids go out and shovel driveways for people in the community who were elderly or who were disabled or otherwise could not shovel their own driveways. So this is something we’ve been doing for a long time. Definitely not my idea. I learned it from Jeff and we’ve just carried on this tradition.” Jeff Methany, the former coach of the team, started the tradition more than 20 years ago.

This activity is more than a tradition, this is the team’s way of building a relationship with their community. “We have really good community support here,” Coach Brian said. “We also have a great athletic department. Sports are important in our community, high school sports are important. We get great crowds and support. So this is a way to go out and connect with them.”


He stressed “This was a good way to kind of get them face to face with their neighbors, doing something that gives back to a community that is so supportive of our program. It’s really nice to be able to do that.”

It’s great to see a community helping and supporting one another at a time when challenges abound. This selfless act is a beacon of light in a world that always needs love.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15

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