Firefighter Adopts Severely Burned Dog, Gives Her A Second Chance At Life

Dog owners had left their pet dog to be euthanized after it had survived a horrific house fire in January, but Lexi Ann got s fresh lease of life when she was brought to Ruff Start — a dog rescue group in Princeton, Minnesota, according to a Facebook post.

Posted by Ruff Start Rescue on Saturday, April 6, 2019

The fire was so bad, that Ruff Start said it killed a number of the family’s pets, including Lexi Ann’s own puppies. Her escape was possible only because her plastic kennel “literally melted around and onto her,” allowing her to go free.

She had “dozens of horrible burns on her feet, sides, nipples, and face,” Ruff Start says, “some of the burns (were) down to the muscle.” But still she survived with the help of a foster family and a “very strong will to live.”

Now, she has found a forever home — with a firefighter and his family: The firefighter, is Travis according to Ruff Start who got to know of Lexi Ann’s plight on Instagram and “instantly fell in love.”

Posted by Ruff Start Rescue on Saturday, April 6, 2019

It was not easy for Lexi Ann again as Travis lived in Indiana, and Ruff Start were not open to out-of-state adoptions.

But they did make an exception, and Travis and his family “brought their RV 11 hours to meet Lexi Ann” and take her home.

Posted by Ruff Start Rescue on Saturday, April 6, 2019

Travis now wants to bring Lexi to a camp for burn victims in Indiana to “help (them) with their own healing.”

According to the American Human Society, more than 500,000 pets are affected by house fires every year. They recommend keeping them in your family emergency plan, and also practicing with them.

Posted by Ruff Start Rescue on Saturday, April 6, 2019

Also it is recommended to put up a decal in your home’s front window mentioning the number and type of pets you own since it can cut down on the time responders spend searching your home in the case of a fire.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15