Battling Depression The Jesus Way

Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart may fail” it speaks of the body failing or getting despondent and the heart facing depression, discouragement, or becoming gloomy. Depression comes from unbelief when one does not use any spiritual warfare to fight it and does not put on the armor of God.

Fight depression with warfare


Jesus chose close friends to be with him. Matthew 26: 37 says, “And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled.” So he didn’t withdraw. He took his most precious and trusted friends and pulled aside with them. He shared with them in verse 38: “Then he said to them, ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death.’” Imagine how fearful they must have been when they saw Jesus confessing his weakness.

He wanted his friends to engage in spiritual warfare for him in verse 38, “Remain here and watch with me.” Another text says “pray,” and another, “Don’t let yourself come into temptation; stay here and fight with me. Fight with me.” He begged the Father in verse 39: “My Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” Whatever you are facing in your life today, it is fine to tell the Father, “Take it away Father. You’re stronger than he is.”

But in the end, He says in the latter part of verse 39: “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” So that is the perfect response to all life’s battles and depression. To find faithful godly friends who will help you by engaging in spiritual warfare with you.

Find your inner ring and open your soul to them.

Ask your closest friends to fight with you, to wage war against the devil with you, to support you, and pray with you. Cry out to the Father and rest in God’s wisdom, “But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Through the life of Jesus and the psalmist, we can learn that at the end of every dark and hopeless tunnel is a big bright light waiting to shine itself upon you. Never lose hope and stand firm in the conviction that God is there for you and He is going to fight every battle of your life.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9