Drug Addict Struck by Lightning After Challenging Jesus to Prove He Is Real

Many of us have labels on our lives like rejected, orphan, unwanted, or bitter, but one touch from Jesus Christ can heal and remove all the pain completely.


A young drug addict once challenged God, saying, “God if You’re real, reveal Yourself!” and God sent a bolt of lightning straight to him.

James Levesque grew up without knowing God, and none of his family members were saved.

He didn’t have a dad, and his mom was always drunk and passed out, but he says he always had the conscience of the Lord.

On the night of August 25, 1995, James went to his buddy’s house and indulged in drugs and ended up sleeping on the couch.

He did not notice that his friend’s mother was also there. At midnight, his friend’s mother leaned towards him. Bringing a big Bible with her, she told him, “I need to ask you a question. Do you know who Jesus is?”

He was stunned as no one asked him such a question. He responded sarcastically, “Of course I do. Leave me alone. We all know who He is.”

But the devout Christian was determined and invited him to come to church with her. So the young man gave in and went to church with her.

At church, he wasn’t feeling comfortable, but he remembered one particular testimony that night about how God set a person free from her gang life. Then he started to wonder, “Could God really be real? Did He really set her free?”

After that, his mom’s friend took him home and handed him a Bible that night.

When James got home, he went to the kitchen and was planning to get out of the window and hang out again with his friends.

But before he could do that, thoughts like “is God real? Is that story I just heard, could it really be true?” kept him wondering.

He then thought, “If there was a Man that really came to earth named Jesus Christ, and He set people free. And He did miracles and He delivers people from drugs, I’m thinking man I want to know Him!”

He felt that the room started to change. He looked up to heaven and prayed a daring prayer. He shouted, “If You’re real, reveal Yourself to me. If You’re real and You show me You’re real, I’ll give the rest of my life to tell people that You are real!”

As soon as he said that, a lightning bolt shot out of heaven and hit him right in his chest. He fell down and began weeping and laughing.

James described it as a surge of power hitting his chest, and he started speaking in tongues. He didn’t even know what was happening because he never read the Bible nor even knew God.

James was on the floor screaming, “Jesus, You are real!” repeatedly. After that night, he was never the same again because one encounter with the Master changed him forever.

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Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11