Dogs From The Same Litter Separated At Birth Recognize And Hug Each Other On The Street

A regular dog-walk turned out to be a happy reunion for two cockapoo dogs of two long-lost siblings in the UK.

A Twitter user shared photos of the two sibling dogs happily hugging each other on the road after accidentally crossing paths during their walk. The photos got 936.1K likes and 186K retweets.


Libby Pincher shared photos sent by her dad, whose business partner Dave was out walking his one-year-old cockapoo Monty in Ayecliffe, County Durham, when he spotted another dog owner walking a similar-looking dog.

In minutes, the dogs had wrapped their paws around each other as if they were hugging and the owners spoke to each other and realized that they were from the same litter, but were separated when they were adopted by different families.


This made the owners happy as well and they too hugged each other

“My husband Lee and I took Rosie for a walk one day and bumped into David. Aw, it was so lovely, they both just jumped up and hugged each other, it was amazing, they remembered each other after 10 months of not seeing each other,” remembers Susan Killip.

“I took some photos and sent them to Jean and that was the last I heard of it until Jean rang me to say David had sent them to a friend who sent them to his daughter Libby and the next thing we know they were on Twitter and, as you know, it’s just gone crazy from there.”

The two were always together when they were younger.


When asked how they decided to adopt Rosie, Susan said: “We decided to get a cockapoo 2 years after losing our toy poodle called Lucy. We missed her so much and still went for long walks sometimes carrying her ashes with us in our pocket. I contacted my friend who already had a cockapoo, who put me in touch with the breeder of her dog, who informed us that Rosie’s mom called Millie was due a litter late June 2019.”


“They were born at Bishop Middleham on 30th June. There were 6 puppies, but Monty and Rosie were always together. We had picked Rosie as she was the little quiet puppy in the corner and our friend Jean, who decided to get a puppy too, picked Monty. Due to complications with the breeder, Jean looked after Rosie for 2 weeks after we picked her up in September as we already had a holiday booked.


“They spent a week together and had so much fun. We picked her up after our holiday and brought her back home and she never saw Monty again until about 3 weeks ago, as Jean and David live in the next village, so we never see them. We often text each other to see how the dogs are doing, but we never had time due to work commitments to meet up.”


Monty and Rosie are scheduled to meet up again, as Susan says, “When we are allowed to go out and meet people again, we are going to meet up and as it’s nearly Rosie and Monty’s 1st birthday, hopefully we can do something to celebrate it together.”

Now that these two dogs have been reunited, hope they have many more fun-filled meetings again and again.

Verse of the Day

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13