Loyal Dog Seeks Help and Leads Officer to Injured Owner in Remote Cabin

A 13-year-old rescue dog named Gita saved her elderly owner’s life by alerting a deputy and leading him to a remote cabin in Stevens County, Washington.

dog saves injured owner

On September 25, 2024, Deputy Wright of the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office was patrolling a rural, wooded area. He spotted a dog sitting alone in the middle of the road. No houses were visible nearby. Wright tried to get the dog into his car to look for its owner. But the dog, Gita, wouldn’t budge.

Wright checked nearby homes within a mile but found no one. He returned to find Gita now lying on the road’s centerline. When he tried to move her, she ran up a barely-used, unmarked road. Wright decided to follow her.

Gita led Wright to a small summer cabin. Near the cabin, he found an 84-year-old man on the ground calling for help. The man had fallen hours earlier and hurt his leg. He couldn’t move and needed regular medication for other health issues. Without help, his condition could have gotten much worse.

Gita turned out to be the man’s rescue dog and best friend. Her quick thinking and loyalty, along with Wright’s persistence, saved the man’s life that day. The Sheriff’s Office later praised Gita on social media: “We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us.”

dog saves owner

This story shows the deep bond that can form between people and animals. Gita didn’t just bark for help or run away. She found a way to get noticed and then led help straight to her owner. Her actions reveal how smart and caring dogs can be.

For the elderly man, Gita’s actions were a true blessing. Lying hurt and alone for hours, unable to call for help, he must have felt great relief when he heard Deputy Wright coming.

When everything seems hopeless, God already has a plan to help us. Even in our darkest moments, when we feel alone and helpless, God is still at work. He may not always intervene in the ways we expect, but He can use anyone – or any creature – to bring about His purposes.

Whether it’s through the loyalty of a pet, the dedication of a first responder, or the kindness of a stranger, God’s love and care can reach us in remarkable ways.

Let’s remember to trust in His unfailing love and patiently wait for His graceful intervention.

Verse of the Day

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

Psalm 40:8