Hero Dog At Rescue Center Saves Volunteer From Near Abduction

Great Pyrenees are a dog species famous the world over for protecting livestock on farms and rural areas.

But recently a Great Pyrenees at a rescue center, helped save a woman from getting abducted in an urban setting. Far away from flocks and fields.



The dog named Jepson at the Big Fluffy Dog Rescue in La Vergne, Tennessee saved the female volunteer walker from an abduction attempt.

The shelter is set in an industrial area, and many of the walers are young adults who have felt unsafe in the area. “Nothing has really changed on the surface, but for some reason over the past year our female volunteers have been the subject of harassment,” the rescue’s founder, Jean Harrison said. “It’s been sexual in nature and all targeted towards females.”

The incident

It was around 9:30 a.m. when a young lady was walking Jepson, suddenly a white van stopped nearby and two men jumped out. Jepson immediately “started going berserk,” according to Harrison, and the two men jumped back into the van and left.

“Had she not been walking a Great Pyrenees who decided these men definitely constituted a threat and had that Great Pyrenees not kept them at bay, we could have been national news,” a post by the rescue read. “Jepson the Pyr is a hero for sure and the employee this happened to is a trooper, but we worry and will continue to worry.”

“The police have not been overly helpful and they tell us they will add patrols, but they are short-staffed. I do not think this is a situation I can improve and I am very sure this is a situation where we need to move.” After this incident, the shelter is planning to relocate but plans are on hold due to Covid-19 and low fundraising.

After the story about Jepson’s heroic rescue went viral, many people asked about him, the shelter decided to let people know more about their ‘hero.’

Four-legged hero


At the beginning when Jepson first arrived there, he had mange, but he is better now. “So, a lot of people have asked for info on the dog who protected our worker from an attempted attack,” the rescue posted on Sunday. “Say hello to Jepson, who kept two men with seriously bad intent at bay while on a walk with one of our employees.”

“Jepson is a 4-year-old Great Pyrenees who came in from a hoarding case. He had mange on arrival (see pic in comments), but is much improved now. He will be ready to go home soon.

“Jepson is a very good boy. He is good with people unless you are a criminal and he is good with dogs and cats. He is looking for a foster home (as are his siblings), so if you are interested in fostering or possibly adopting Jepson, email katrina@bigfluffydogs.com.”

If you are in or near Nashville and could use a “spectacularly good boy” in your life, you can contact the rescue.

Jepson no doubt is going to have many offers and will surely find a forever family after this heroic act.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9