Adorable Service Dog Wears Matching Graduation Cap On Owner’s Graduation day

A cute video doing the rounds shows a service dog totally rocking a graduation cap on her owner’s graduation day.

This two year old Dalmatian named Paisley, received her own matching hat from her owner, Casey Bruno, who graduated recently from the University of Central Florida.

22 year old Bruno told “Good Morning America” that this gesture represented her dedication to her dog and her dedication to her, all throughout college. She said that she is never seen without her dog, and how could she miss out on her graduation day.

Paisley has been a part of Bruno’s family since the year 2016, and was key in helping Bruno deal with anxiety and depression and would accompany her to her college classes as well. Bruno reveals that Paisley even has her own Instagram handle, @paisley_the_dal.”

To show her appreciation to Paisley, Bruno made a matching cap with floral prints on it. The floral paw print has the words “Future DVM,” which stands for Bruno’s aspiration to be a doctor of veterinary medicine in the future.

Bruno’s pictures and videos of her and Paisley on graduation day has received a lot of love and attention on twitter and UCF has tweeted an honorary diploma for the dog in recognition of her service.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4