Doctor Dies and Goes to Heaven in Miraculous Near-Death Experience

Dr. Mary Neal, a spinal surgeon, recounts an extraordinary near-death experience during a kayaking accident that led her to what she describes as a visit to heaven. Her testimony has been featured in the new Christian movie ‘After Death‘ by Angel Studios.

woman goes to heaven dr. mary neal

The Unimaginable Turn of Events

While celebrating her husband’s birthday with a kayaking trip in Chile, Dr. Neal’s adventure took a dramatic turn. She describes the harrowing moment when her kayak capsized: “The boat and I were immediately submerged under eight to ten feet of water. I didn’t panic. I set about trying to free me or free the boat,” she explains.

Facing the possibility of death, Neal turned to her faith. “I somehow mustered the strength to ask God for His will to be done.” This act of surrender marked a pivotal moment in her experience. “I was immediately overcome with this very physical sensation of being held and comforted and reassured that everything would be fine,” Neal recounts.

A Glimpse of Heaven

What followed, according to Dr. Neal, was an encounter with the heavenly Father. “I was being held by Christ,” she asserts. In her described visit to heaven, Neal felt an intensified consciousness and peace. “I never felt alive and then dead, conscious and then unconscious. I felt conscious and then more conscious, alive and then more alive,” she elaborates.

Her experience in heaven seemed to transcend physical reality, as she felt no suffering or struggle to breathe. “It was glorious,” she says, describing a sensation of Christ’s love and a journey through a life review. She recalled the moment when she felt her spirit leaving her body and was greeted by a group of people. “I knew that they were people who had known me and loved me.”

doctor dies and goes to heaven
Dr. Mary Neal

Transformation after the Near-Death-Experience

Returning from this experience was challenging for Neal, especially as she longed for the heavenly peace she encountered. She shares the emotional journey that followed, including disbelief, depression, and contemplation about the meaning of such an experience.

Dr. Neal’s journey changed her perspective on life and faith. “My number one identity is that I am a beloved child of God, period,” she declares. This experience has transformed her from culturally identifying as Christian to fully embracing her faith.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.2 Corinthians 4:18

Watch: Dr. Mary Neal Shares Testimony on Her Near-Death Experience

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Verse of the Day

“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.”

Acts 4:10,12