Incredible Story of Mom Who Predicted Her Own Death And Survived Because Of It

In a never before experience a mom predicted her own death while pregnant with her second child.

Stephanie Arnold had eerie premonitions that she’d die during her c-section, and was aware of the tiny details related to it as well.

God uses visions for a specific purpose and when Stephanie began receiving clear and distinct instincts about her death, it was so that she could save her life.
It was during her second pregnancy, that Stephanie began having vivid and frightening premonitions, she came to realise that she would die during childbirth. And knew specific details about her death as well.

She was so convinced about her dreams that she began telling everyone about it and they all brushed it off, including her husband.

She kept sharing about it with people and even the medical staff, which led her to the right person whoc could save her life.

Stephanie had even gone far as to call up the anesthesiologist who was to put her under c-section.

The anesthesiologist did not brush off Stephanie’s premonitions completely but felt “something wasn’t quite right” and kept extra blood ready in the operation cart in case of any emergency.

Stephanie’s c-section went off okay and she gave birth that day to her son Jacob. He was born healthy and came into the world as a regular baby, but after hos birth, Stephanie was flat-lined.

Exactly like the way she had predicted, Stephanie died on the operating table, she had an amniotic fluid embolism, a rare and often fatal condition where the amniotic cells enter the mother’s bloodstream and if the mother is allergic, she goes into anaphylaxis.

That’s when the extra blood arranged by the anesthesiologist after talking to Stephanie played an important part.

She did not have a heartbeat for 37 seconds, but because of the extra blood on hand, she was able to survive.

Everything was exactly as she had seen in her premonitions, even the hysterectomy. But because she was telling everyone about the visions, she was able to live and survive that ordeal.

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Verse of the Day

“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.”

Proverbs 14:22