Deputy Pushes Stranded Elderly Woman In Wheelchair One Mile To Her Home

 A Sheriff’s deputy is winning praises after he pushed an elderly woman in a wheelchair for one mile to her home.

Lancaster Sheriff’s Deputies Chapman and Montanez, received a call regarding a traffic problem and were told that there was a wheelchair in the middle of the road, but it was a whole lot more complex when they arrived at the scene.

They saw a wheelchair at the side of the road, with “an elderly female sitting in it.” wrote the Lancaster sheriff’s office on Facebook.

The poor woman’s motorized wheelchair had ran out of power and she became stranded. The kind deputies offered her a ride, but realized that the wheelchair was too heavy to get into their patrol car and the chair could not be folded and the woman did not want to leave her wheelchair behind.

One of the deputies, Deputy Montanez did something incredible which was behind the call of duty, he got out of the patrol car and started walking. The deputy pushed the woman all the way to her home, which was about a mile away, wearing his full uniform and boots, wrote the Lancaster Sherrif’s officer on Facebook.

Montanez’s partner who drove the patrol car behind them teased the walking deputy saying “You can pick it up, you’re only going about one mile an hour,” Deputy Chapman is heard saying in the video he took of Montanez’s good deed. Both Montanez and the elderly woman had a hearty laugh.

Watch: Officer Helps Stranded Woman In Wheelchair Reach Home

Montanez pushing wheelchair

Deputies Chapman and Montanez received a call of a traffic hazard, a wheelchair in the middle of the road. When they arrived, they did find the wheelchair on the side of the road, but with an elderly female sitting in it!

Her motorized wheelchair had run out of power and she was stranded. Deputies Chapman and Montanez quickly offered her a ride home, but she was very upset about leaving her only means of mobility behind. The wheelchair, being quite heavy and unable to fold because of the battery pack, did not fit in their patrol vehicle.

That’s when Deputy Montanez stepped up. He decided he would push the wheelchair to her home, about one mile, in full uniform and boots. Deputy Chapman teased him about his “slow” pace and you can hear our eldelry friend getting a good laugh out of it!

We are so incredibly grateful to all of our deputies for the work they do on a daily basis. My hero wears a badge.

#LASD #AV411 #soundon #workoutoftheday #myherowearsabadge
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

Posted by Lancaster Sheriff’s Station on Tuesday, 2 October 2018

We salute our police and sheriffs and because of deputies like these we are safe.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11