Mom Who Walked 12 Miles A Day For Work Receives Christmas Surprise From Deputies

It’s the season to be loving and kind to each other and help those in need, and that’s is exactly what a group of Kansas deputies did for a struggling mom-of-two.


The 24-year-old Princeton resident and mother of two was the breadwinner of the family and although she did not have transportation, she did not let that stop her from getting to her job at a “nearby” Love’s Travel Stop.

She would walk 6 miles every morning to her job and walked the 6 miles back till people contacted the Sheriff’s office about her.

So when the mother would be spotted along the side of the highway at 7 a.m. a deputy would head out to pick her up after they got a call. “Each time Deputies responded they encountered a 24-year-old Princeton woman walking and would give her a ride to work so she would not have to walk on the cold highway,” the Franklin County, KS – Sheriff’s Office posted on Facebook.

Posted by Franklin County, KS – Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

“Throughout these contacts with her, the Sheriff’s Office learned this woman walked to work at Love’s truck stop six miles (and then six miles back home) to support her two small children. The woman made several comments about how she had to walk so she could feed her children and was very driven and motivated to take care of her family any way she could.”

Soon some of the deputies met up to discuss her situation and come up with a solution because it wasn’t safe for her to walk along the highway and they wanted a permanent way out for her. The deputies and several other kind groups pitched in to get her a wonderful, generous, extensive Christmas gift.

“After only a few days, through generous citizens and businesses and the use of our ‘No Shave November’ funds we were able to donate a van, two new car seats, a price chopper gift card, the registration for the van and the first year of car insurance along with $200,” the post continued.

The mother had no idea what was in store for her, but on Tuesday she was given the surprise with the goal of “making a better Christmas for her and her small children.” The photos shared by the sheriff’s office said it all.

Posted by Franklin County, KS – Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The freedom of having her own transport, and the security of registration and insurance already paid for and the new car seats and cash meant this Christmas was much more merrier than it could ever be for her and her children.

“I am very proud of the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office,” Sheriff Jeff Richards said. “This is not just something they did, this shows who they are. I am proud of who they are!

Posted by Franklin County, KS – Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

“This is an example of their commitment to serve our community. Sgt Jesse Vega and his patrol team saw a need and worked to fill it. Working with other members of the Sheriff’s Office and community members, they were able to bless someone in a way that words cannot express.

“On behalf of the entire staff of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.”

First posted on December 18, 2020

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9