Even as Hollywood actors are being touched by the spirit of God and speaking out boldly about their faith, one such actor that has come across to be a humble family man and a devout practicing Christian is Denzel Washington.

Denzel had a humble upbringing, his dad was a pastor & gospel singer, and right from a young age, he was into God. He stepped into the field of acting and tasted immense success in most of his roles. But one thing Denzel has never forgotten is an encounter he had with a prophetess at the most unlikely place- his mom’s beauty parlor.
The life-changing encounter has been close to his heart forever and he still keeps that bit of paper the lady gave him as a reminder of his calling in life. The prophetess saw Denzel Washington and wrote down a prophecy for him on a bit of paper, and he has kept that paper with him since that day.
She wrote on the paper on March 27, 1975, “Boy, you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people,” he recalled during the commencement speech he gave the new graduates of 2015 at the prestigious Dillard University.
Denzel continues, “Now mind you I flunked out of college I’m thinking about joining the army I didn’t know what I was going to go and she is telling me I’m going to travel the world and speak to millions of people.”
“Well, I have traveled the world. And I have spoken to millions of people, but that’s not the most important thing, the success that I had the most important thing is that what she taught me, what she told me that day has stayed with me since.”
I’ve been protected, I’ve been directed, I’ve been corrected, I’ve kept God in my life and it’s kept me humble, I didn’t always stick with him but he always stuck with me. “Put God first,” he told the new graduates.
“Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It’s a gift … I didn’t always stick with Him, but He always stuck with me.”
Watch: Denzel Washington’s Commencement Speech At Dillard University In 2015
Denzel has always held that life-changing prophecy close to his heart all these years and has been speaking out how vital it is to keep God first in your life and have the heart to serve others around you.
While speaking at a men’s conference that was held at First Baptist Orlando, Florida, he spoke about the matters that God has been telling him for this phase of his life. He told them that he was 66-years-old and had just buried his mother, he said he promised God and her to always do the right thing and honor his parents by his lifestyle. In a conversation with Pastor A.R. Bernard, he said that he was ready to help people everywhere.
Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington told a men’s conference in Orlando, FL what God has been telling him to do…
Posted by CBN News on Friday, 24 September 2021
Denzel said, that in every prayer all he hears is ‘Feed my sheep, and that was what God wants him to do. He said he found out over the years that there were different kinds of sheep and that’s why he talks to experienced pastors to guide him in the things of God.
Denzel really meant every word when he spoke about the importance of staying connected to God, “Stay on your knees,” he said. He was being very modest when he told the audience to watch him but listen to God as he was after all just a human being.
Being a part of the celebrity culture in Hollywood has it’s good and bad and who knows about it better than Denzel Washington. He brought to mind the fact that celebrity fame can take people away from God and become lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
The same thing that’s written in the Bible says that in the end days people will become lovers of themselves. He spoke of how the selfie was the number one photograph for people everywhere and everyone wants to be better than the other and willing to go to any extent to become influential in this world.
Denzel warned people against the lure of fame and money and said, “Fame is a monster and we all have these ladders and battles, roads we have to walk in our given lives. Be you famous or whoever’s out there listening, we all have our individual challenges,”
Denzel warned the audience that it was all a cliché and money doesn’t make things better, fame only makes the matter worse by magnifying the problems.
Denzel has influenced thousands of people with this powerful speech and just shows us the importance of staying humble and rooted in the word of God above everything else in life. Throughout his life, he has worked hard and aspired to make a difference in his family and the society at large.
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