Dad With Dementia Recollects Every Note Of Song He Wrote Decades Ago

People with dementia have a gradual memory loss and are unable to do anything for themselves, but this man with dementia is winning hearts online after a video of his showed him playing a piece of music he had composed decades ago.


Paul Harvey, 79, suffers from dementia, he had composed the tune for ‘Where’s The Sunshine’ during the 1980s, as head of music at Imberhorne School in East Grinstead, West Sussex.

So when he visited his son Nick in Crowborough, East Sussex, he made everyone marvel when he reviewed the piece note for note. A video posted by Nick on his Twitter account shows him playing the tune perfectly.

Nick, a music composer for TV, wrote: ‘Father has dementia. Here and there he floats into a different universe and I sense that I’m losing him. He is never progressively present, anyway than when he plays the piano. He went to mine today and I solicited him to play one from his pieces. He figured he wouldn’t probably recollect it.’

No wonder the video got viral with more than a million views on Twitter in 24 hours. Artist lyricist Emeli Sandé, who saw the post, commented ‘lovely,’ while agent pioneer of the Labor Party Tom Watson shared it on his social media.

Paul attended Guildhall School to study music during his younger days, and in the 1970s, he worked as a professional piano player and author. When his child, Nick was born, he went into instructing to get a stable salary, and composed the music for Where’s The Sunshine, with head of dramatization, Pete Talman composing the song’s verses.

‘I don’t have the foggiest idea what to state, I have dependably evaded exposure,’ clarified Paul. ‘I have dementia and you simply continue onward! For whatever length of time that I have access to my piano, that is the primary concern. I am satisfied that something I’ve composed has had such an impact. It’s come so late throughout everyday life, it demonstrates that it can occur whenever.’

It has been proven through research that music has therapeutic benefits, and is used as a treatment for people with dementia, as it is expected to impact parts of the cerebrum that other therapies cannot achieve. Finally Nick commends how reviewing music from his father’s past has had a positive effect on his dad.

This article is such a beacon of hope for all those with dementia and their caregivers, music therapy should be used as a type of therapy in hospitals and even at homes.

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Verse of the Day

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

Deuteronomy 6: 6-7