Deaf Father Signs to His Deaf Baby in Hospital to Tell Her He Loves Her

Baby Arrow was born a preemie in Orlando, Florida, into a family where American Sign Language (ASL) is the primary mode of communication as her dad is deaf as well.

Mom Teresa said, “ASL is vital for deaf babies and, lucky for our little squish, she was born deaf into a home where ASL is the primary language. She won’t have the struggles to communicate within her own family as her Daddy did.” She is the answer to their prayers as, after battling years of infertility, God blessed them with a beautiful baby girl.

This beautiful clip shows how her father uses sign language to communicate with her in the hospital, telling her how beautiful she is, how pretty her green eyes are, and letting her know he is “Daddy” and loves her so much.


It is never too early to start signing to your baby, even if she is a micropreemie. This deaf dad is signing to his deaf daughter, telling her who he is, and what a beautiful baby she is, with her bright green eyes. Watch baby Arrow’s eyes and how she’s attentively listening to daddy telling her how much he loves her. #whyisign #askmewhyisign
#Repost @untimelyblessing with @get_repost
Daddy who is Deaf signing to Baby Arrow who recently passed the Deaf test. ASL is vital for Deaf babies & lucky for our little squish she was born Deaf into a home where ASL is the primary language. She won’t have the struggles to communicate within her own family as her Daddy did. Whyisign #preemie #micropreemie #nicu #nicubaby #deaf #asl #signlanguage #dadsofinstagram #dadsanddaughters #deafpride #deaffamilies #deafbaby #deafprofessionals #horsetrainerintraining #daddyslittlegirl #americansignlanguage

Posted by Whyisign on Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15