Man Shares How God Helped Him Overcome Suicide And Mental Anxiety, “God Has A Plan For Us”

A desperate situation in life almost led him to committing suicide, but something stopped him from taking his life.


A video put out by Alive In Christ is about a man who was redeemed by God from depression, mental anxiety, and suicide will help all those who are in a similar situation.

Dave as raised as a Pastor’s son, everything was going good in his life, but later on while growing up and making his own decisions in life he went haywire.

Mental anxiety and depression was ruining his life and he was led to pull a gun to his head and finish everything.

But one day while listening to a radio station he stumbled upon a preacher who spoke directly to him about his present condition and how he wanted to pull a trigger to his head, but told him not to do so.


This lead him to think that suicide was the only way out! In this amazing testimony, he shares how thoughts of suicide plagued his mind and how he was able to overcome suicide and find a life of peace and joy.


He knew that word from the minister was for him, it was like God speaking to him directly. He remembered how as a child he would often challenge the Lord to spin the fan blades on the fan but it never moved. AT this moment he remembered it and it was as if the Lord spoke to him telling him that I have moved the fan blades of your heart.

It was undeniably the work of the Lord in his life and it changed him completely, he now serves the Lord as an ordained Pastor, with his family, following in the footsteps of his Pastor father.


The Lord knows exactly what our situation is and where we are today, the Lord has not forgotten us, He has a plan for each and everyone of us, just believe in Him.

Watch Dave’s powerful testimony below.

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9