Customers Keep Buying Donuts By The Dozen Every Day, So Owner Can Spend Time With Sick Wife

‘Donut City’ in Seal Beach, California, had been serving it’s community with the most tastiest and fresh donuts for the last 28 years, and now it was payback time.

John and Stella Chhan used to open up their donut shop every morning at 4:30AM and would always greet customers with a smile, without ever taking a day off.

So when Stella stopped showing up behind the counter, customers asked John about her absence – and they were shocked by his response.

He told them that Stella suffered a brain aneurysm last month, and had been recovering at a nursing care facility. She was slowly regaining some of her strength, but was still in bad shape after being taken to the emergency room.

John was really down because of this incident and was so grateful when Stella was turning around, he continued to run the shop by himself along with Stella’s sister, but would faithfully return to her side after the day’s work.

So one of Chhan’s regular customers at Donut City heard his plight and came up with an idea, that if everyone in the community bought all of his donuts, then John could close his shop early and spend more time with his wife.

She posted her idea to a community social media page, and immediately locals stepped up and bought donuts, croissants, and muffins at the store.

For the last few weeks, John sold out all his pastries many hours earlier than usual, sometime he even closes his store at 10AM.

He has also expressed his gratefulness to the community for their support by saying “We are so thankful,” he told the OC Register with hands over his heart.

The community of Seal Beach, were more than happy to help out the Chhan’s and even tried to set up a GoFundMe page for them, but John said that he had enough money and is content to just spend time with Stella.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15