Massive Crowd Turns Up In Heavy Snowfall To Attend Funeral Of 91-Year-Old Veteran Who Died Alone

Hundreds of patriotic folks gathered together even with heavy snowfall to pay rich tribute to Retired Air Force Staff Sergeant Clyde Henry Baldwin who recently passed away at the age of 91.


The veteran had only one family member alive and he was even older than Baldwin, and could not make it to the funeral.

Communities rallied together to make sure that this brave man who fought for his country in the Korean War and in the military for two decades would be laid to rest with full military honors and gave an open invitation to the public to attend his funeral, set for Feb. 7 at the Pikes Peak National Cemetery in Colorado.

On behalf of our members, auxiliary, our community and all of the veterans that we represent we want to express our thanks for all of those that responded to our call. What a great turnout on a winter’s day.

Posted by Cheyenne Mountain VFW Post 3917 on Friday, February 7, 2020

“We have an unaccompanied Veteran with no known family members that is being laid to rest at Pikes Peak National Cemetery ‪on Friday Morning‬ (‪7 FEB 2020‬) at 0900,” the Cheyenne Mountain VFW Post 3917 shared on Feb. 3. “SSGT Clyde Baldwin (USAF Retired) served from 1950 to 1970. Please help get the word out for a good showing.”

It was a massive sea of people as hundreds of civilians, veterans and active military came to honor the man on a bitterly cold Friday morning. It was their patriotism which kept people warm despite the falling snow.

“I’d like to call him a brother,” a man named Robert Aholt said. “Even though I, myself, have not served in the military, I still feel like he’s part of our family.”

Posted by Veterans Referring Veterans on Friday, February 7, 2020

Others left the ceremony deeply moved, heading to Facebook to share their firsthand accounts of the event.

“Just finished up with a funeral for retired Staff Sergeant Clyde Baldwin of the USAF, who had no local family to attend his ceremony,” one user shared on Friday. “There was a public invitation to attend.”

“Expectations were low, as it’s snowing and cold. But Mother Nature couldn’t keep HUNDREDS of people from making sure he was sent off right. I mean there had to be over a hundred military (current and retired) alone. The flags, the bagpipes, the huge turnout… wow… incredibly touching.”

Posted by Veterans Referring Veterans on Friday, February 7, 2020

“Thank you to everyone who helped share all of the social media posts regarding an unaccompanied Veteran today,” another person shared. “Clyde was respectfully laid to rest this cold, beautiful & snowy Colorado morning. The military/Veteran community is simply incredible.”

“There were hundreds upon hundreds of cars full of people that literally flowed out of the cemetery and miles down the road. Our team at The Bridge Assisted Living was blessed to care for this humble, kind man over the last 3 years.”

“Beautiful ceremony today,” the Veterans Referring Veterans page added, along with photos of the well-attended funeral. “Thank you to everyone that came out in support of SSGT Clyde Baldwin.”

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15