Couple Married For 66 Years Vows Not To Be Apart For The Rest Of Their Lives After They Got Separated

This elderly couple has been together for 66 years. Their love was tested when they had been away from each other for 100 days. This made them vow not to be separated ever again.


Being married for 66 years is indeed an achievement at this time and age. Couples separating is very common nowadays, unfortunately. For George and Joyce Bell, being inseparable was an understatement.

This pair had been together way before they were married. They were neighbors. Joyce used to call him “the big daft lad on the motorcycle.” However, he wanted to be called “George”. It was a surprise for Joyce to be called Mrs. George Bell later on.

They got married in 1955. This elderly couple continued to live in one house, but they’ve already had their share of mishaps due to their age. They became fragile and had sustained injuries from falling. George had met an accident first, followed by Joyce. Unfortunately, the latter broke her hip. Recovery could have been easier for them when they were together. Sadly, due to the implementation of COVID-19 protocols, they need to be away from each other for 100 days even though they were in the same hospital building.

One hundred days being away from each other seemed a lifetime for these lovebirds. They were suddenly out of each other’s sight while recovering. Joyce was longing for her husband and vice-versa. It was a separation probably more painful than the injuries they sustained. I could imagine the adjustments they had to go through of not being with each other after facing each day together for the past six decades.

Finally, the long wait is over. The day for them to be reunited came. Joyce’s anticipation intensified as she prepared to meet her love. Rachel White, a staff member who assisted Joyce, said, “She was so excited and nervous to see him. She said she felt like she did when she was a young girl, and they were first dating.” Guess it must have been exceptional to feel the same way after all these years.


When George saw and met his wife, there was a flood of emotions. Everyone in the room felt the longing and depth of their love for each other. It was a memorable and touching moment. “Most of the staff present had to excuse themselves out of the room because it was really, really emotional to be a part of it,” Rachel narrated. “When they were brought together, you could see straight away just how much they were so in love with each other, even after 66 years together. It really moved all of our staff.”

George held her, touched her, and gave her a tender hug. “I can’t tell you how nice it was. I told him I’d always be there for him, no matter what. He held me tight and said he’d never leave me again for the rest of his life,” Joyce explained.

This is a perfect illustration of how God sees marriage. A life-long commitment of love between a man and a woman. May all marriages be like this, where the wife and husband stay at each other’s side in times of plenty and lack, good health and not so good health, until death separates them. May God be the center of every marriage, for it is He who sustains it ultimately.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15