Till Death Do Us Part: Devoted Husband And Wife Married For 68 Years Die 33 Hours Apart

A couple who were married for 68 years, passed away just one day apart from each other.


Robert “Bob” Johnson and his wife, Corinne Johnson, have lived a devoted life to each other and proved that real love exists even today and is not only in story books.

Bob and Corinne lived on a farm and raised 7 kids together. Corinne studied to get a teaching degree and taught for a year before settling into farming life.

“Corinne and Robert Johnson were married on October 20, 1951 at Norseland Lutheran Church,” her obituary read. “She got her first taste of life as a farmer’s wife when Robert worked all day harvesting with his brother Jerry before their wedding ceremony.”

Bob and Corinne Johnson were laid to rest today. After 68 years of marriage, Bob and Corinne died one day apart. The…

Posted by Boyd Huppert on Tuesday, December 3, 2019

They grew crops and raised livestock and were devoted and involved parents. They would travel far to attend their kids’ sporting events, and Corinne involved herself in many local volunteer positions, and taught Sunday School and 4-H projects.

“Corinne loved to cook and bake for friends and family and was known for her homemade bread, lefse, cinnamon rolls and Swedish tea rings,” her obituary read. “She also enjoyed gardening, canning and sewing clothes for her family and quilts for Scandian Grove.”

They lived on the farm all their life until just last year, when their health was failing. Bob got a cancer diagnosis and little later Corinne discovered she had congestive heart failure. They were both in hospital when they passed away within 33 hours of each other, something which their kids find very meaningful.

Watch the heartwarming story below.

One of their sons, Brent Johnson, said their father, 88, had always put their 87-year-old mother before himself, “So it was only fitting that in the end he waited for mother to go first and then he passed away,” he said.

Bruce Johnson, another son who is a cancer doctor, said, “I sort of thought he looked like he could go for weeks,” he added, “As soon as mom died he went downhill and died in a day. It’s hard to imagine it’s a coincidence.”

Their daughter, Beth Kinkeade said, “When mom passed, they pulled the curtain between the two beds, he just stared at the curtain.” He felt anguished but he didn’t have to wait long to follow her.

Posted by Lora Dennis on Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The couple did not let their kids worry about one of them being left back to be taken care of, “Their plan was to not have us worry about that,” the couple’s youngest daughter, Lora Dennis said. “I think we all know that they’re in a better place.”

“They went on their terms,” son Brent Johnson said.

The couple spent their lives within miles of where they grew up, and were remembered at a joint service at the church close to their beloved farm. What an extraordinary story of true love this is, all their life they were deeply in love and devotion for each other and even in death they were together.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15