Young Man Running Late to School Shares Inspiring Message About Gratitude

A young man’s candid video message about gratitude, while running late to school, offers a true dose of inspiration we all need today.

young man talks about gratitude

Most of the time, our focus stays on the problems around us. We get frustrated when things don’t go according to our plans. But we often forget to count the blessings God has granted in our lives.

Here, a young man is reminding us to live each day with gratitude and to see His goodness in every simple moment, from the sunrise to the breath we take.

The story unfolds on what started as a rushed morning for this young student. He had overslept and needed to catch two buses to reach his class in the next 40 minutes. His first reaction was frustration at himself for this late start.

But God had a different plan for his morning. When he looked to his right and saw his Bible next to his bed, his whole perspective changed. He picked up his phone and started recording a message that would touch many hearts.

“Be grateful that you woke up this morning!” he shares with genuine joy, turning his camera to capture the sun rising over the horizon. His voice fills with wonder as he declares, “It’s a beautiful day to be alive.”

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These words carry special weight coming from someone who had every reason to feel stressed about his morning.

His message cuts right to the heart of what many of us struggle with daily. “Sometimes we let the littlest things get in the way of the big thing: the blessing,” he points out.

He then lists the simple gifts we often take for granted: “It’s a blessing to wake up in the morning. It’s a blessing to breathe. It’s a blessing to have clean water. It’s a blessing to go to school.”

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The power of his message lies in its simple truth. While waiting for his bus, this young man shows us what it means to live with real gratitude.

His words mirror what God teaches us about finding joy in all circumstances. Instead of dwelling on his late start, he chose to focus on the many ways God had blessed him that morning.

Through his unplanned morning reflection, he gives us a perfect example of counting our blessings. Each breath we take, every sip of clean water, and our chance to learn – these aren’t just normal parts of life. They’re gifts from God that deserve our thanks.

His final reminder that “All of this stuff is a blessing” helps us see our own lives through new eyes.

God shows His love through both big moments and small daily gifts. When we face our own challenging mornings or difficult days, let’s remember this young man’s wisdom.

May we learn to look past our minor troubles and see the bigger picture of God’s blessings in our lives. Each new day brings fresh chances to thank God for His constant care, from the sunrise to the air we breathe.

Let’s make it our goal to find joy in these simple gifts, knowing they come from our loving Father above.

WATCH: Young Man Shares Inspiring Message About Gratitude

@smoothyoki_ It’s a blessing!#staystoic#love#God ♬ Present – Lloyd Vaan

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11