6-Year-Old Teaches Bible Verse To Younger Brother To Ease Fear Of Coronavirus

At a time when many people’s faith is being shaken with pestilences sweeping the world, one Minnesota mom’s story of choosing faith over fear in these times of the COVID-19 outbreak is captivating the hearts of many.

Sheletta Brundidge, a comedian and mom-of-four shared a video of her 6-year-old daughter teaching her brother a Bible verse to fight the fear he experienced after seeing the news about COVID-19.


“My son Brandon has crippling anxiety because of his autism diagnosis,” she said, “We watch the news every day and he was watching it and was taking in all the fear and panic…it just made him so scared.”

His big sister, Cameron, stood up with him and as they faced each other, she made Brandon, 7, repeat “But God did not give me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind.” Her mom says she prays for everybody and remembered the verse, 2 Timothy 1:7, after learning it at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis.

The siblings hugged as everyone exclaimed, “Amen!”

“While the world is stocking up on toilet paper and mayonnaise, jars of pickles and bottled water,” Brundidge said with a laugh, “She realized — at 6 years old — that it was only his faith that was going to get him through this.”

When Cameron told Brandon she wanted to teach him something which will stop his fear, the mother of three kids with autism said the moment changed something for her and her family. “Just from the mouth of a child to another child, it transformed the way I looked at it,” she said. “We don’t have to be afraid of this. There’s been worse. We just have to rely on our faith, take the precautions we need to take and continue to live our lives.”


She took to Twitter to express her faith over fear, saying, “Stop letting your fear of coronavirus be bigger than your faith in God. Plead the blood, pray and wash your hands. Amen!”

She said, “We are a family of faith. we just believe in faith and we believe in Jesus and we’re not afraid to say it. She has autism, too, and for her to remember that — that was just amazing and a blessing to me.”

She will be releasing a children’s book at the end of the month about her called “Cameron Goes to School,” designed to empower young boys and girls who have autism and educate their classmates. “I’m so proud of her,” Brundidge said. “She didn’t just tell him to believe in God, but she gave him a Scripture, and not only that but the right one.”


The comedian, who hosts “Taking Authority Over Autism” podcast network on SHElettamakesmelaugh.com, said “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” is her favorite verse in the Bible.

What an amazing story of a child imparting faith into the life of her younger sibling by making him recite a Bible verse on faith. All of us have definitely learned something so valuable from this little girl today.

Verse of the Day

“The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Romans 13:9-10