Man Colorblind Since Birth Breaks Down In Tears When Girlfriend Surprises Him With Glasses

One can just imagine the struggles a colorblind man faces daily at school and work for not recognizing colors correctly. Thanks to his loving and thoughtful girlfriend, he can now live life in color.


His girlfriend got him a wonderful surprise for his birthday. He sat on the couch in his plaid red and black pajamas, and slowly opened his gift. When he started to realize what it was while he was opening it, he paused and wiped his tears away.

He asked, “Is this what I think they are?” and when his girlfriend said yes, he stood up and came to her. He said, “Thank you so much,” and she replied, “I love you.”

The gift was what he needed all this time. It was a pair of special sunglasses. It would let him see and distinguish colors correctly. He could not stop ‘happy tears’ from falling.

Excited to put it to the test, he went out and put them on. For the first time, the images he saw “were sharp and not dull.” He described, “The sunshine on the fence was really bright.” His girlfriend asked, “Does everything look really green?” referring to the grass in their yard. He instantly answered, “Yes!”

The test was taken a notch higher. His partner then took out balloons and asked him what their colors were. He was able to identify their colors correctly. “You got all the colors right!” she cheered him on.

Seeing and distinguishing colors is something not new to most of us. However, for this man who was born colorblind, seeing them for the first time was indeed a magical moment. May we appreciate the small, seemingly, mundane things God has given us every waking moment. These may not be much for us, but they mean the world for someone who does not have it.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9