11-Year-Old Sings About Jesus’ Sacrifice with ‘There Is A Green Hill Far Away’

Claire Crosby, a young singer with a remarkable voice, joins her aunts to perform a touching version of the hymn ‘There Is a Green Hill Far Away.’

claire crosby there is a green hill far away

Music often helps us express our faith and feel closer to God. When children sing praises, it’s especially moving. It reminds us of the pure faith that young ones often have.

Claire Crosby became famous as a child for her amazing singing. People loved her videos of Disney songs, and she even appeared on big TV shows. Now, she’s singing a hymn that has touched hearts for over 150 years. Cecil Frances Alexander wrote ‘There Is a Green Hill Far Away’ in 1848. The song beautifully talks about Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross and the hope of salvation.

The video starts with a powerful image. Claire stands alone in a big desert. She looks small next to all the sand and dry land. She wears a flowing dress that moves in the wind. When she starts to sing, her clear voice fills the empty space.

There is a green hill far away,
Outside a city wall,
Where the dear Lord was crucified,
Who died to save us all.

Claire sings with a pure, honest voice that touches the heart. Even though she’s young, she sings with deep feeling. Her clear, sweet voice seems to show the trust and innocence we’re supposed to have in our faith. When she sings “There was no other good enough / To pay the price of sin,” her sincere singing brings home the deep message of what Jesus did for us.

There was no other good enough
To pay the price of sin,
He only could unlock the gate
Of heav’n and let us in.

Soon, Claire’s Aunt Kathryn and Aunt Becca join in. Their voices blend beautifully with Claire’s. When they all sing together, it fills up the big outdoor space with beautiful sound.

This performance shows how old hymns can still tell us important truths about our faith. These days, we often hear newer worship songs in church. But there’s something special about hearing a young voice sing an old hymn. It shows us that messages about faith, hope, and love never get old. They mean just as much to us today as they did to people long ago.

Let’s always remember and be grateful for what Jesus did for us. He went through great pain and shame to make us right with God. We shouldn’t forget this incredible gift. Instead, let’s live our lives for Jesus. Let’s share His message of salvation with others who don’t know Him yet.

WATCH: Claire Crosby Sings Moving Rendition of ‘There Is A Green Hill Far Away’

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Verse of the Day

““Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Matthew 5:11-12


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Julie Gregory
Julie Gregory
