Former Satanist Turned Evangelist Says Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween

An evangelist is calling Halloween the ‘devil’s holiday’ and says that Christians shouldn’t be celebrating it.


Evangelist John Ramirez was delivered from being a satan follower, he says he has drank animal blood, conducted sacrifices, was baptized with the devil and got married in a demonic wedding on Halloween.

Now the New York native preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere and questions why believers are part of Halloween celebrations.

He says, “I wonder why people celebrate Halloween these days,” the 55-year-old added, “Because in essence, I know what Halloween is about. I was in witchcraft for 25 years…selling my soul to the devil, I was a general for the devil…as a warlock.”

He added: “Have you ever heard a Satanist say, ‘I can’t wait for Good Friday to go to church with you?’ So, why would the Christians say, ‘I can’t wait for Halloween to say I want to dress up’…It’s cheating on God, really.”


Ramirez, who is from the Bronx, was a member of a Satanic church from the age of 8 to 35. “That life is a dead end. There’s only one way out. It leads to hell,” he said. “As an evangelist, I think my life is summed up in one way. Jesus Christ, and I’m going back to heaven.”

He has numerous marks on his body including the “mark of the beast,” as he reached the “highest rank of devil worshipers” and a “name chosen by the devil himself,” after he was made to kiss a human skull and cut open and burned in demonic rituals.

However, he was rescued and was able to transit from hell to heaven, which took a lot of time.

It started when he was dating a back-slidden Christian, and attended church, as he was demon-possessed he grabbed the pastor by the throat, which happened twice before he heard the audible voice of God according to him.

“I said, ‘God, Jesus, I don’t know what they call you,'” he said in his room, before one night when he said his spirit entered hell in October 1999, and talking to the devil then he saw the cross of Jesus Christ appear which caused the devil to fall and Ramirez was shocked back to life.

He left the satanic church and began being mentored by the late Pastor David Wilkerson at Times Square Church.

“I came from hell to church. I went as a Satanist to hell and came back a Christian,” Ramirez said. “From there I started to attend church and my life has never been the same.”


Ramirez threw away thousands of dollars worth of witchcraft materials in the closet like human bones, cemetery dirt, etc. and says, “I left one daddy that I could see, to another that I couldn’t see.”

He said all the witches claiming to do witchcraft against President Trump, “That was a hoax, just to make money.”

The author of “Destroying Fear,” said, “The devil’s greatest weapon is fear,” but he adds, “Jesus Christ is your answer. It’s a relationship with God. Make peace with God…Pray. Prayer works.”

“The power of Satan is limited. It’s a hoax,” he concluded. “And the power of Jesus is limitless and it brings you to a place of knowing your purpose and destiny of who you really are created to be.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9