Muslim Interpreter Receives Christ After Helping Christian Evangelist Preach The Gospel In Tanzania

Mark 16:15, He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

The gospel is being preached to the unbelievers and is now reaching the ends of the earth in fulfillment of the words of Jesus Christ. One ministry that is actively involved in preaching the word of God in African countries is Christ For All Nations or CfaN.

Unbeliever Translates the Gospel


Recently when an evangelist from CfaN was preaching the word on the streets of Tanzania, he was met with an English-speaking unbeliever who offered to translate so that the evangelist could preach the gospel to the local people. The evangelist had recently graduated from Bootcamp, CfaN’s training ground for evangelists led by Daniel Kolenda, who have been winning souls in Tanzania.

The Bootcamp students have to conduct outreaches in marketplaces, schools, and on the streets in Tanzania as part of their final training. These anointed men and women of God have been sharing the Gospel all over Tanzania and many testimonies have poured in of thousands of people being saved and healed.

Evangelist Jon Farino


Jon Farino, an evangelist shared how the unbeliever helped him preach the Gospel and accept Jesus in his heart. Jon wrote, “Today was a day of salvation and miracles. Three days ago, we did a market outreach in a place called Tengeru. A young man named Hamzal came up to me asking me questions about Jesus. I shared the gospel and showed very plainly how Jesus is the Son of God. However, I needed a translator, and as he spoke such good English, I asked him to come along with me to help.”

“He agreed, and that day he helped me preach the Gospel many times to hundreds of people. I asked him to help the next day as well. And once again, he was my translator, (an unbeliever) helping me, a preacher of the Gospel, to bring Jesus to the people.”

A Miracle


On the third day, they met a man totally blind in his right eye since childhood as he had been beaten very badly. But Jon told him, “Today Jesus will open your eye and you will see.” He prayed for his right eye and says, “I prayed, and while covering his good eye, he saw outlining of shapes. I prayed again, and he said, “Now things more defined up close.” I prayed again, and he said he saw the whole light of the sun. It was a glorious miracle, praise Jesus!”

Muslim Interpreter Receives Jesus

After that miracle happened, Hamzal, the unbeliever who was Muslim, said to Jon, “Now that I see this miracle, I am ready to receive Jesus.” And as Jon prayed for him, he was moved to tears. Then he said, “I have preached to convert the people to Allah. Now I want to preach and help the people to Jesus for the rest of my life. Today is the best day of my life.”

More testimonies

Jon then let Hamzal pray for a man who couldn’t bend for 10 years and who was in lots of pain and when he laid his hands on the man and said, “In Jesus’ name” three times, he was completely healed. Jon felt that Hamzal would,d continue to do the work that the team started in that marketplace even after they left.

Saul to Paul

Hamzal said to Jon, “I want to do this the rest of my life.” And after he read the story of Acts 9 where Saul became Paul he said, “That’s me.”

Verse of the Day

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”

1 Corinthians 13:1-3