18-Year-Old Atheist Got Down On His Knees And Prayed To Be Adopted, Then This Happened

A Christian couple adopted an 18-year-old atheist and gave him the gift of a “forever family” after he almost gave up hope.


Randall had been abandoned at birth by his mother, and had no name or family of his own.

After searching for weeks, his grandmother was located and he stayed with her till her health began declining. Then Randall was placed in the foster care system and moved around from home to home.

There was no perfect family match found for him and he waited for years to be adopted.

Randall was an atheist, but got down on his knees and prayed for his adoption. He said, “Lord, if You’re real, show me. Show me You’re real.”


God was definitely working behind the scenes, because at that particular time, a Christian couple wanted to adopt a child of their own.

Normally adoptive parents want newborns or young children, but Casey and Peter wanted to adopt older children.

3 days later, Randall’s call to God was answered when he met the couple who were to become his parents.

As he entered Casey and Peter’s home, he felt an overwhelming feeling of love and safety and the couple knew that Randall was meant to be their son.


Casey said, “Allow the Lord to write your story because when He does, you are given blessings you can’t even begin to imagine.”

Randall got officially adopted soon after he his 18th birthday. He is blessed now with a family and name of his own. Praise God!

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9