Little Boy Can’t Contain His Joy After Learning He’s Getting a New Heart

A 6-year-old boy’s joy over getting a new heart has touched people all across the country.

boy getting new heart

We often don’t think about how amazing it is that our hearts keep beating every day. God has created us with such care and perfection. When we complain about little things in life, we forget to thank Him for all He’s given us.

Our working hearts, lungs that breathe without effort, eyes that see the world’s beauty, and every other organ that works in harmony to keep us alive and well are true marvels of God’s creation.

John-Henry was born with a rare heart problem called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This means the left side of his heart didn’t grow properly before he was born. It made it hard for his heart to pump blood to his body.

About 1 in 3,841 babies in the U.S. are born with this condition each year. When John-Henry was just five days old, he had his first heart surgery at Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital.

Over the next few years, John-Henry had three more heart surgeries. But even with these operations, his heart kept getting weaker. The doctors said he needed a new heart to live. In December 2023, when John-Henry was 5 years old, they put his name on the list to wait for a donor heart.

John-Henry and his family waited six long months for a heart to become available. During this time, the boy’s bright spirit touched many people at the hospital. Everyone there grew to love him.

In May 2024, the Lee family got the news they had been praying for – a donor heart was ready for John-Henry. The hospital caught John-Henry’s excited reaction on video and shared it online.

The video shows John-Henry, now 6, walking through the hospital halls with his IV pole. His face is full of joy as he tells everyone he meets, “I’m getting a new heart!” He high-fives the staff and can’t stop smiling.

John-Henry’s mom, Sarah Lee, remembers telling her son the big news. She said, “I walked in the room with tears in my eyes to tell John-Henry. When I told him, he said, ‘I have to go tell everybody.'”

The very next day, John-Henry had his heart transplant surgery. Dr. Hani Najm and his team at Cleveland Clinic Children’s did the operation.

After the transplant, John-Henry started to get better. In July, he moved to a special part of the hospital to keep recovering. On August 23, 2024, he finally got to go home.

little boy getting new heart

John-Henry is still excited about his new heart. He told the hospital staff he can’t wait to tell his classmates, “I have a new heart!”

John-Henry’s story shows how important organ donation is. His mom, Sarah Lee, said, “Organ donation saved my son’s life. Without it, he wouldn’t be living right now. We’re going to take great care of this special heart. We’re forever grateful to our donor and their family.”

The Lee family’s experience highlights the need for more organ donors. Right now, over 100,000 people in the United States are waiting for an organ transplant. Sadly, about 17 people die each day while waiting for an organ.

John-Henry’s journey also shows how far medicine has come. In the past, babies born with his heart problem often didn’t survive. Now, doctors can do a series of surgeries or, like in John-Henry’s case, a heart transplant to help these children live.

The video of John-Henry’s happy announcement has touched people all over the world. His big smile and excitement, even before such a big surgery, have made millions of people smile too.

Let’s keep John-Henry, his family, and all those waiting for organ transplants in our prayers. We should also remember the families who decide to donate their loved ones’ organs. Their selfless choice brings hope and healing to many people and families.

As people of faith, we can support and encourage those facing health challenges. We can always be ready to help those in need.

WATCH: John-Henry Joyfully Tells Caregiver Friends He’s Getting a New Heart

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Verse of the Day

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12