NC Veteran Is Reunited With Chihuahua That Saved His Life

A chihuahua in North Carolina is being called a hero, after saving her owner’s life while he was having a stroke.


NC Veteran

Rudy Armstrong, 86, called on his chihuahua Boo-Boo to help him when he had an emergency situation. He was on his houseboat in Oriental when the Navy veteran realized something wasn’t right.

“I sat down in my chair, drank my coffee, and the next thing I know it was after lunch.” “And I couldn’t even get my hand to move and my foot wouldn’t move,” Rudy Armstrong.


He was having a stroke and couldn’t reach his phone to call people for help so he turned to his pet chihuahua. “I didn’t want to be there for a couple of days before somebody would come by.” He then did something out of the ordinary, “So I said, ‘Ok Boo-Boo, go get me some help.'” and Boo-Boo did just that when he led the Dockmaster to Armstrong.

The Dockmaster called the paramedics and Armstrong was taken to the CarolinaEast Medical Center. “We thank him for his service to our country, for allowing us the privilege of caring for him and sharing his story of Boo-Boo, the miracle pup,” the hospital wrote.


Happy reunion

Five days later Boo-Boo saved Armstrong’s life, the pair were finally reunited in a moving moment. “I’ve got tears running out of my eyes, missed her so much, man,” Armstrong said.


It must have been a very heartwarming moment for the NC veteran when he was reunited with his furry friend, we hope these two make many happy memories for a long time together.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11