Chick-fil-A Manager Stops Service To Pray For Employee Having Surgery

It is well known that Chick-fil-A is quite vocal about it’s faith in God and is one such company that gives its employees time off on Sundays so that they spend time with their family and the Lord and rest as the Bible indicates.

Their employees are praised for upholding Christian values, and guests always keep praising their kindness and eagerness to go the extra mile for them.

Recently a North Carolina Chick-fil-A took out time on a busy day to ask God to watch over a beloved coworker.


The manager asked his co-workers and customers to join in prayer for Trish, a team member at the location, who was undergoing surgery for breast cancer at that very moment.

The manager requested everyone inside the restaurant to join him in prayer for Ms. Trish if they wished to and the customers all agreed to do so.

The manager prayed to the Lord to protect Trish as she has her surgery and all the customers and employees joined together to support Ms. Trish on this trying day.

He further asked God to make sure the surgeons had good strong hands and clear minds while operating on her, and also praised her for her service at the restaurant.

Watch: An Entire Chick-fil-A Restaurant Prays For An Employee Having Surgery

Chick-fil-A in North Carolina joins in prayer for team member

PRAYERS: You could hear a pin drop when people inside a Chick-fil-A joined in prayer for a team member undergoing surgery for breast cancer. 🙏


Posted by FOX 10 Phoenix on Sunday, 2 September 2018

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11