‘Cheer Dad’ Rooting For His Daughter Is Simply Adorable

Hekili Holland or “Cheer dad” is a viral sensation and and his cheer routine has been watched by almost 3 million people on social media till now.


Holland said his cheer routine is for the fight song. “The band plays and the girls perform it after every touchdown or score,” he said. “I was trying to learn it by watching the cheerleaders. But Mackenzi [Holland’s daughter] finally taught me one day. I’ve always loved the atmosphere of high school and college football. The band, the excitement, everything. It just another way to have fun and show support.”

“Cheer dad,” has been performing from the football stands for about three weeks now and has been captured on camera at the York High vs. Warhill High dame in Yorktown, Virginia, on Nov. 1.

The video was posted by Scott Willard to his Facebook page, who said that when he saw Holland, his “first thought was this guy is legit. No fear. Complete support for his daughter and the other cheerleaders. I just thought he was the cool dad.”

He added, “In the fourth quarter I leaned over and jokingly said to my wife if York scores again I’m making this guy viral,” Willard said.

He has received more than 10,000 positive comments on his post, “cheer dad” is the real MVP. “I started reading comments and I realized it’s really touching people in some way. A lot of humor with moms threatening dads to step it up to just people getting a smile or laugh out of it,” Willard said, Holland was “just having fun,” he said. But, “if this bring joy to folks then I ‘m happy to be that guy.”

This video of “Cheer dad” is so inspiring to all of us and shows us the genuine love of a parent for his child.

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9