Atheist Woman On Death Bed Finds Jesus Through A Woman She Has Never Met Before

Cassidy Kellagher shares her testimony about how she was led to convert from extreme atheism to become a firm believer in Christ.


Her woke life

The young woman is quite candid as she shared she was an extreme vegan, pansexual, and an egotistic horrible person. She has no qualms about saying that she would shame Christians, never say ‘bless you,’ when someone sneezed, would stay away from meat-eaters, and would shame those would didn’t share her ideas.

Cassidy was so much into veganism that she says she made veganism her ‘God.’ She went to school for animal rights, worked for PETA, took part in protests and pride parades, and even wore a lettuce bikini on Capitol Hill.

Life-changing experience

But everything came to a halt in June 2019 when she had a stomach ache for a week, and a CAT scan at the ER confirmed she had Chrone’s disease. Her health took a spiral fall from that point on, the doctors prescribed pain killers and medications but nothing worked. She lost 60 pounds in 3 months.

It was so bad that she had pain every single day in her body, her mom had to help her to the bathroom, and every bit of food and water hurt her stomach. Cassidy started hating life and wanted to die, she either wanted to die from the disease or by killing herself because of enduring 6 months of pain.

On Christmas eve 2019, she took really bad and went to the ER with her mother, there the doctors pumped her with medicines and pain killers, but she felt like it was her last day on earth and was excited to leave earth because there would be no more pain and tears.

An Angel visits her

Cassidy tells us that one day a Jamaican woman came into her room in the hospital whom she’s never seen before in that hospital as she’s been in and out of it. The woman asks her what she’d like to eat and Cassidy replies nothing and then the tears start flowing down her face.

Cassidy was too weak to feel or say anything because she was only 80 pounds and the woman responded by saying that she was going to pray for her. At that point, Cassidy used all her remaining energy to protest since she was an atheist, but the woman would not have it and started to pray with a great passion for her and said that ‘you will be healed and you will heal.’

She went to sleep thinking she’s going to die that night and was very happy about it, but the next morning she awakes, and voila there’s no pain in her body. She was able to work to the confoundment of her mother and the doctors, and she told them that she had a light within her. She left the hospital after a day and instead of thanking God for her new life, she returned back to her party life.

Searching for the light

Cassidy was trying to fill the void inside her by doing different things, she then starts hanging out with a Buddhist friend with all sorts of tattoos, she was in search of the light, she did yoga and all the stuff that came with it. Suddenly Covid hit and she was thinking about the light within her even more during her isolation.

She began believing that God was Mother Earth and nature, and then one day she woke up thinking about that woman praying for her with her hands on her head. The woman could have lost her job, but she risked everything to pray for her. So she started searching for her in the hospital’s directory, and on social media but couldn’t find her. Even before she started searching for her, she already knew that the woman did not exist.

Believing In God

She understood that the woman was an angel sent by God to pray for her because there was no way that she could get up without experiencing pain. She had to put her pride away and believe that there was a God who loved her and cared about her. She was actively shaming Christians and working against His kingdom, but here is a God who loved her even though she didn’t know or care.

She says that all we got to do is open our hearts to God and He will always be there for us. There’s nothing to lose. She says many people say that after we are saved we get the ‘blessing’ but in reality, the blessing is that we are saved and have a hope to live with God forever in heaven.

Walk with God

Cassidy started her walk with God and although she is not 100% well, and has been through the most horrible surgeries, with so much pain in her body, she has a permanent IV and a bag in her stomach but she sums it all up saying it is so much better with the Lord by your side.

Cassidy reflects on her life and says that she deserved hell and not heaven and that people around her have seen her struggles and how the Lord rescued her. Her mom too wasn’t a believer but she too put away her pride and admitted that there is a God and has become a Christian believer. Through all her hospital visits Cassidy sees the hand of God working, from nurses praying to talk to people who don’t believe.

God has filled all the voids in her life that she tried filling with pansexualism, veganism, and atheism and now she is in awe of God’s capabilities. She prays today that through her testimony, people will give God a chance because this is an evil world, and we have an enemy. But we have a savior and a comforter who is by our side.

Cassidy has a warning for everyone looking to other religions trying to fill the void, she says Religion says do, but Jesus says done. He died on the cross and said it is finished. Jesus always wins. Amen!

Verse of the Day

“[Psalm 18] For the director of music. Of David the servant of the LORD. He sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: I love you, LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Psalm 18:1-2


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Julie Gregory
Julie Gregory

Can we have an update to this please? The article says she was having a CAT scan in August with today in ( ) but it’s May so this is obviously an old article