Good Samaritans Serve Free Meals To Neighbors During Pandemic

The pandemic has been causing a shortage of food and supplies among the elderly and the vulnerable population in our country, but this horrible time has also shown us that there is no shortage of Good Samaritans in our country who are ever-ready to help people.

The two Good Samaritans


Carlton Crabbe from Southwest Florida spent his own money to feed his neighbors during the coronavirus pandemic. He along with his neighbor Scott have been doing it for about two weeks now, he said he started small with hamburgers and hot dogs. He has received money and food donations so that he and Scott can keep going.

While driving down San Carlos Boulevard in San Carlos Park, you cannot miss the plywood signs and under a blue tent in Crabbe’s driveway, you’ll find him and Scott waiting for people who need help during the COVID-19 crisis. “I went in there. I was crying to my wife,” Crabbe said. “I was telling her everything, and she was like, ‘Boo, there’s really nothing you can do.’ And I said, ‘There is something I can do. There’s gotta be something I can do.’”

Act of kindness


Crabbe started cooking and next-door neighbor Scott started to help and now they’re serving up smiles and full plates together. “People are in desperate, dire need right now,” Crabbe said. “There’s a lot of people out there who are not eating, and they need something to eat.”

In the two weeks, Crabbe has served around 100 people. “Somebody is eating and not starving for one night at least?” Crabbe said. “Makes me feel good.”

Crabbe and Scott are outside every day from about 2 to 7 p.m., “I just hope that I can help anybody,” Crabbe said. “Even if I help one person, that’s good enough.” What a beautiful act of kindness that shows us that if you want to do something to help people, then there will always be a way.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4