5-Year-Old Boy With Brain Condition Takes His First Steps

A child’s first-steps mean a lot to any parent and when 5-year-old Camden Hanson, who has a rare brain condition took his first steps on Saturday, it was a cause of celebration for his proud mom and dad.


Mandy Hanson shared the video of her son walking across his family’s living room on Twitter Saturday which by Monday afternoon, received more than 6.9 million views.


“Since we all could use a little happiness in our lives these days: My youngest son (age 5) has progressive cerebellar atrophy and is physically handicapped. He also has 10 therapies a week. Today, he finally took independent steps!! #MyHero #NeverGiveUp,” Hanson wrote on Twitter.

The Hanson family lives in Woodstock, Georgia. Camden has an older brother, Parker, 7. Mandy said that Camden met all of his milestones until he was 18 months old but they started noticing something strange.


“That was when we noticed he was very off balance and was trying to walk but had an abnormal gait not typical of a toddler,” Hanson said. “After pursuing many possibilities for the cause, we then visited a local neurologist who conducted an MRI, and that is where we saw the cerebellar atrophy.”

When Camden was around 20 months old, he started physical, speech and occupational therapy, Hanson said. Now that he’s older, he also does horseback-riding and intensive robotics therapy. Hanson said MRIs show her son’s atrophy is getting worse, but doctors still have not been able to pinpoint a gene causing his condition.

“We’ve been told that even if we eventually identify the genes causing his atrophy, because his condition is so rare, he may be the only one identified in the world with this condition, and he alone will write the future for this disease,” Hanson said.


While he is undergoing intensive therapy for more than half his life, Camden is just like other 5-year-old boys and loves video games, watching “Paw Patrol,” dressing up like super heroes, and playing with Legos and toy cars.

Mandy Hanson never expected the video of Camden taking his first steps to go viral, but she’s been appreciative of the kind words and well wishes sent by people around the world.

Camden currently uses a gait trainer, similar to a walker, and crutches. But when he starts kindergarten in an inclusive classroom this fall, Hanson said her family hopes he’ll be comfortable with perhaps only one crutch.


“Camden has taught us about being patient and compassionate more than anyone or anything ever could,” Hanson said. “In his short five years, he has undergone dozens of exhaustive and sometimes painful tests yet always smiles through it all.”

Hanson continued, “We hope Camden’s story spreads a message of hope and inclusion while serving as inspiration to millions of families around the world who are struggling with the challenges of raising a special needs child.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9