Nearly Brain-Dead Man Praises God After Miraculous Recovery

It was nothing short of a miracle for Nebraska man T. Scott Marr, who was declared almost brain-dead by doctors, but made a full complete recovery and is a living ‘miracle man’ today.

It was the day Marr’s 61st birthday, when he was found unresponsive in bed by his son, but he was still breathing. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors put him on life support in intensive care and tests showed that he had suffered a severe stroke.

I know there are many questions..we’re right there with you. Once again, MIRACLE MAN. We’re going to try and start from…

Posted by Preston Taylor Marr on Sunday, December 16, 2018

The next day, Scott wasn’t showing any signs of improvement and doctors said he had major brain swelling. Dr Rebecca Runge of Methodist Hospital said, “We thought that this wasn’t a recoverable process.” Doctors told his children that there was nothing more they could do for their dad now and his daughter Preston Marr recollected that her dad always told them, ‘I never want you guys to see me lying in a hospital bed, lying in a nursing home.’

So when the doctors decided to pull the plug, they said their goodbyes to him and extubated him, shutting off all the monitors and just waited by his side. But God hadn’t yet given up on him and even as Scott’s children, Preston, Lauren, Ryan, and Drew, sat around his hospital bed after doctors turned off life support, holding his hand and crying, God still had a plan for his life.

Preston said that they had made up their mind that they would never see their dad again, but the following day, a great miracle had happened and Scott was still alive.

The hospital called and asked Scott’s kids to come back and they witnessed the most amazing miracle. Preston arrived first and said, “I went in just to talk to him like we have been this whole time and I said ‘hi dad and he smiled at me and I literally thought I was dreaming, it was the craziest moment ever,” she recalled.

Preston was not sure what she was seeing was true and so asked her dad to move his thumbs, which he did. Then she told him to wiggle his toes. Scott did that, too. She said, “I literally had to rub my eyes to make sure it was actually happening.”

Scott Marr breaks down to tears reading article about his recovery (left) / Scott Marr holds his grandson in the hospital (right )

It was difficult for doctors to believe too and they started doing more tests on him and found Scott hadn’t suffered a stroke after all, instead he had a rare condition called posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome which is caused by high blood pressure, and other factors too.

Scott doesn’t remember losing consciousness, he only remembers waking up in the hospital, with his family around him. Now known as the “miracle man,” he knows that it was God who healed him. He says, “This whole thing has been a miracle from God,” Scott said. “I did not die. I didn’t have to die. I’m back here, and I hope to give people some comfort and hope that if they are, in fact, going through anything like that, that it’s a safe place.”

During the 2 days he was unconscious, Scott recollects a vision he had during his near-death experience. He says, remembers seeing his late dad, who died two years ago. Scott saw him walking down the street. He says, “He said, ‘What are you doing here?’ And I said, ‘I’m looking to work.’ And he said, ‘There’s no work here, you better get your butt home,’” Scott said.

Scott feels that it was a signal to him that his time here on earth was not done and he says he blessed with more time to spend with his kids and Grand kids.

He gives God all the glory as he says, “I’m not an extremely religious person. I don’t go to church every Sunday,” Scott said. “But I do believe in God. I believe with all my heart. And now this is just proof for me that everything I’ve ever heard is true. That He loves me. That He’s right there for me. It was pretty much a miracle.”

What a truly remarkable miracle God performed for Scott, if He did it for him, He can do it for you too!

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Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15