4-Year-Old Boy Goes Outside To Play And Brings A Deer Back

A 4-year-old boy’s heartwarming encounter with a deer has gone viral on social media thanks to the cute pictures and story of how they met up.


Stephanie Brown sent her son Dominic to play outside while she got busy packing up their things after a pleasant stay at the Massanutten Resort in the Virginia mountains. When she heard his footsteps on the porch, she saw a sight she will never ever forget.

4-year-old Dominic brought back with him a new friend he had made outside- a young deer. “I see him and the baby deer standing next to each other almost to come inside,” Stephanie said. The mom went on to explain, “I was completely shocked!” I froze for a second because I literally didn’t know what to do.”

Stephanie immediately did what we would do- click some pictures of the boy with the deer and shared them on social media, it didn’t take much time for her post to go viral.

She said the duo were perfectly in sync, if Dominic tilted his head to the side, so did the deer. What was all the more adorable about the moment was that the boy was dressed in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer pajamas and wanted to bring the baby deer who he named Flash, inside for a quick snack.

But Stephanie told her son to take the deer back to the woods and leave it there and Dominic did just that and the little deer rejoined his family. The viral photo of the two has attracted thousands of comments from people all over the world who can’t get over the innocence of the boy and the pure love between the two new friends.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9