Hero Boy Stops Bus After Driver Passes Out

Imagine the panic and fear gripping students as their bus veers into oncoming traffic, with their unconscious driver unable to regain control. In an awe-inspiring display of bravery and composure, 13-year-old Dylan Reeves emerged as a hero in this terrifying situation.

boy stops school bus michigan

The drama unfolded when the female bus driver began to slow down but suddenly lost consciousness, leaving the bus careening towards disaster. Amid the chaos inside, Dylan, a seventh-grader, leaped from his seat, grabbed the steering wheel, and steadily brought the bus to a halt. His calm demeanor and swift actions prevented a potential catastrophe and kept his fellow passengers safe.

Thursday Consolidated Schools Superintendent Robert Livernois lauded Dylan’s extraordinary act of courage and maturity.

“In my 35 plus years of education this wasn’t an extraordinary Act of courage and maturity on his part.”

He praised the young hero’s presence of mind during a moment of sheer panic, where most people would have instinctively slammed on the brakes. Dylan, however, was mindful of the passengers aboard, gradually slowing the bus down to ensure their safety.

Dylan’s parents were overwhelmed with pride upon learning about their son’s heroic deed. His mother revealed that, since he was four years old, he had been sitting on her lap while she drove on country roads and in driveways, observing and learning from his surroundings. While knowing how to drive is one thing, maintaining composure and thinking clearly under pressure is another – qualities that Dylan displayed in spades.

As the story gained attention, Dylan’s parents chose to keep him away from the limelight, saying that he has been overwhelmed by the response to his actions. The school board, however, plans to honor him soon for his lifesaving intervention.

Thanks to Dylan Reeves, a potential tragedy was averted, and his community can celebrate a young hero who stepped up when it mattered most.

WATCH: Dramatic Video Shows 13-Year-Old Boy Stopping School Bus After Driver Passes Out

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Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11