Heroic 8th Grader Saves Bus Full of Students After Driver Passes Out

An eighth-grader from Glen Hills Middle School, Acie Holland III, heroically came to the rescue when his bus driver passed out while driving. He acted swiftly to bring the vehicle to a stop, preventing a potentially dangerous accident.

boy stops school bus after driver passes out

In the incident, the bus driver suffered a medical emergency and lost consciousness. The bus, full of students, started veering dangerously into oncoming traffic. But God used young Acie to act wisely during the terrifying situation.

“I feel the bus accelerate, and I’m like, ‘Where is she going?’ I look, and I seen her head go to the steering wheel,” Acie recounted. His experience with cars, gained from working alongside his mechanic father, Acie Holland II, since childhood, gave him the confidence to spring into action. Acie managed to move the driver’s foot off the gas pedal and bring the bus to a safe stop by applying the brakes himself.

“It was just a fight or flight moment,” he said. Beyond his immediate heroic response, Acie dialed 911 and ensured the younger students on the bus were safe. He also instructed them to contact their parents. His father was deeply moved by his son’s actions, saying, “Him stepping up to the plate, making sure others are OK, speaks to the compassion I see him exhibit every day here.”

The Glen Hills Middle School community expressed their immense pride in Acie. Principal Anna Young highlighted his unwavering dedication: “He goes big all the time. If he’s got a chance to do something, he’s going to do it.”

The school district also recognized his extraordinary leadership: “The compassion and leadership that we see him exhibit daily was taken to the next level on his bus ride home yesterday. We are grateful that all of our Glen Hills students are safe and are wishing their driver a healthy recovery.”

Sometimes we might think our skills are small or unimportant, but God has a purpose for each one of us. Acie, the young boy, never imagined he would use his knowledge to save his friends’ lives. But in that critical moment, God chose him for that task.

We are each given unique talents that can serve others when needed most. Let us trust God with our abilities and know that He has a purpose for them.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23