Little Boy Send Birthday Card To Dad In Heaven, Gets An Incredible Reply

A 7-year-old who lost his daddy a while ago, wanted to send a birthday card to his dad in Heaven, as he believes “everyone should get a card on their birthday, even if they don’t get a present.”

Little Jase from Scotland lost his dad in 2014, and even though his father isn’t with him anymore here on earth, the sweet 7-year-old expected a reply from him.

His mom, Teri Copland, never expected a reply. But a special angel at the postal service went the extra mile to make sure the little boy got a reply!

“Jase remembers his dad and is very like him in personality,” mom Teri Copland said. “He loves looking at his pictures and reading the stories his dad’s friends have written in a memory book.”

Jase picked out a thoughtful card for Daddy and popped it in the mailbox. and on the envelope, he wrote a special request for the postman:

“Mr Postman, Can you take this to heaven for my dad’s birthday? Thanks.”

The card could have sat there forever had it not been for God who made sure Jase’s letter wound up in the hands of a special angel here on earth!

After mailing the card, Teri got quite the surprise when she checked the mailbox. A letter from the Royal Mail waited for little Jase!

It read: “I just wanted to take the opportunity to contact you about how we succeeded in the delivery of your letter to your dad in heaven. This was a difficult challenge avoiding stars and other galactic objects en route to heaven.

However please be assured that this particular important item of mail has been delivered. Royal Mail’s priority is to get out customers’ mail delivered safely. I know how how important your mail is to you. I will continue to do all I can to ensure delivery to heaven safely.”

The letter blew Teri away and made Jase very happy.

“I actually cannot state how emotional he is knowing his dad got his card,” Teri said. “You didn’t have to make the effort to do this,” Teri explained in a thank you she posted on Facebook. “You could have just ignored it. But the fact that you have made the effort for a little boy you’ve never met is such a lovely thing to do. Royal Mail you’ve just restored my faith in humanity.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9