5-Year-Old Boy Breaks Out Epic Dance Moves After Finishing Cancer Treatment

#StrongAgainstCancer Solomon Finishes Cancer Treatment

We're SO happy about this news coming from #StrongAgainstCancer HQ at Seattle Children's: Solomon finished cancer treatment! To celebrate, he rang in the new year in the perfect way – with his favorite Michael Jackson dance moves.

Posted by Strong Against Cancer on Thursday, January 3, 2019

A 5-year-old boy celebrated his victory over cancer by doing his celebratory dance to none other than- Michael Jackson.

Solomon Haufano, was being treated for desmoplastic small round cell tumor, a cancer found in his stomach, at Seattle Children’s Hospital. It had been a long struggle for his mom, Leni Lutui, who knew that 2019 would be the year for Solomon to be cancer-free and start living a normal life.

Shoutout to one of our favorite NP’s at Seattle Children's. What a day to celebrate. 💪🏽 #MoneStrong #Celebration #Endoftherapy #Cancerfighter #IncredibleHulk

Posted by Leni Lutui on Wednesday, January 9, 2019

As 2018 was ending, so did Solomon’s cancer treatments and to celebrate this huge achievement, Solomon danced to his favorite Michael Jackson tune, “Billie Jean” and the video of which has been viewed over a million times online.

Lutui said her son has been through a lot and has come out stronger, cancer has taken the life of Solomon’s dad who passed away from brain cancer just four years earlier while Solomon was just 10 months old.

She says, “To get the news that he was diagnosed with cancer of the abdomen, it was one of the hardest news we’ve received since his dad passed away.”

Posted by Leni Lutui on Thursday, January 3, 2019

Solomon’s dancing has put a smile on his family’s face who were grappling with the loss of Solomon’s father’s death and his own stomach cancer.

Lutui sais, “(The videos have) definitely shared a light of hope and faith to others who might’ve seen their situation as a difficult one, there’s always something to be thankful for, or to dance and celebrate about, even if it’s just waking up the next morning.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9