9-Year-Old Boy Cleans Graves Of Strangers And Decorates It With Flowers

Kids of all ages can do acts of kindness and inspire others to pay it forward. One 9-year-old boy from Mold, Flintshire, UK, is being praised after his kind act at a cemetery went viral.


Corey Hall and his mother, Kym Watson, were at the Mold cemetery when he saw some graves that were not properly maintained. That sparked a thought in Corey’s mind which has now become a mission for the young lad.

Kym said, “We were walking to my friend’s house and my son was interested in reading the graves and this grave really stood out to him as it was a one-year-old boy who passed away.”

She added, “Every time we walked past many of the gravestones had flowers but this one didn’t.”

It made Corey really upset to see that the grave was untidy and he asked his mother if he could buy fresh flowers to decorate the grave, even though he did not know whose grave it was.

They went to Tesco where Corey chose beautiful and bright flowers for the grave. As they reached the grave yard, they found it was untidy and covered in pine cones, branches, and rubbish, so Corey got down to cleaning the grave.

After cleaning it thoroughly, Corey placed the flowers in the pots and while doing so, he saw some other graves that needed to be cleaned up as well.

So he decided to clean those as well and told his mother ‘that’s really made me feel good about myself and I want to help others.’


Now once every fortnight, they visit the graveyard and clean one gravestone at a time and also says that if any family cannot be around to take care of their family member’s grave, he would be happy to clean it and also decorate it with fresh flowers.

GALATIANS 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15